
Is Fortnite’s Ranked Loot-pool Bad?

Is Fortnite’s Ranked Loot-pool Bad?

#Fortnites #Ranked #Lootpool #Bad

“Reisshub Extra”

Is Fortnite’s Ranked Loot-pool Bad?

Background footage: @AlvinIrfn @CooperFNBR

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Music by Epidemic Sound



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  1. I think the sniper just needs a bullet speed nerf that’s it. It feel so snappy and good. But it’s so much easier to just snipe someone over just shooting them with an ar and I think a bullet speed nerf would change thst

  2. The nishas ar was nerft I think 3 days after the season it use to do 47 headshot damge now it does 44 and it has 231 dps the list your reading is long ago and yeah it's extremely good😅

  3. I do agree with a lot of the stuff. Nishas striker AR is pretty busted. Snipers are a pain in the ass for those who can’t snipe. Enforcer ARs are way too weak. SMGs feel a little weak as well. Shotguns I feel are probably the most balanced weapon category.

  4. the striker AR's are balanced I feel like. they're absolute dogshit at range, and if you make the mistake of coming close to someone with a striker AR then thats on you at that point. since the ARs arent hitscan anymore, its only fair to make them busted when you actually do manage to get a beam on someone.

  5. I think a "competitive" loot pool should consist of 3-4 AR/Shotgun/SMG variants, 2 snipers, maybe some pistols, basic white/blue heals, fish, and the occasional grenade and explosive. Restrict it to Rare – Epic – Legendary weapons with Rare being the more common variant of the three. Perhaps the Chapter 1/2 weapons? I dunno.

  6. The snipers are the bane of my existence, but not because I get destroyed by them constantly. Most groups now turn into "How can we get the most snipers?" It becomes people's entire identity and the game ends up revolving around them. Then while traveling in a car, someone will stop us 300m away because they saw a tiny spec of a player in the distance. Then the sit in one spot and peak snipe battle from 8,000 meters away starts; imo the LEAST fun gameplay in Fortnite. Those without snipers sit there twiddling their thumbs, doing nothing. The sniping in one spot continues for minutes, often eventually leading to three outcomes:
    – One player takes multiple snipes, depleting all of your heals, because they are attracted to peaking sniper glint like a moth to a flame.
    – The sniping continues endlessly with players thirsting for long range elims that will likely have little to no affect on the game. Because sniping is their existence, they ignore all calls to move into the circle, resulting in last second rotations and often dying to storm. Cherry on top if the sniper who rotates late also carries zero mobility.
    – And the most common outcome: We get sniped or third partied from behind then the snipers complain about how we get third partied so often, failing to realize they are the reason.
    /end sniper rant, lol

  7. the Striker should be vaulted and the nemesis is perfectly balanced AR. they should add like a infantry rifle instead. Snipers should NOT do 200 headshot because what the fuck am i supposed to do when i rotate and get headshot sniped.

  8. I haven’t watched the whole video yet but the worst thing about the loot system is how rare a grappler is, it completely changes how u play the game and fighting someone with 1 when u dont have 1 just makes u wastes so much more mats than normal since they can just use it to force a 50/50 shot at height or force u to box up if u not confident in the shot inwhich point now they get height, sure sometimes u can beam them if thsy use it incorrectly but thats kinda rare in unreal lobbies. It makes rotation a none factor esp end game u can go front side in seconds inbetween builds so ur not wasting mata tunneling its so game changing for how rare it is because it gives a disadvantage to whoever doesnt have it

  9. Just wanted to say great vid, and that there is a great drop spot near lavish lair at the train station, if you go to the house-like building (the one not right next to the tracks) and if you break the left wall on the second floor above the roof on the 2×2 ground floor only section, once in, break the white crate for a guaranteed rare chest, either loot rest of house by opening door in room and breaking wardrobe on other side to get to other areas or go to the main building by the tracks and kill the ai which is just a normal society enemy (can kill with one mag) then pick up key card, take it to the vault, shown by card or found in the foundations at the side to left when looking at the tracks from the car park, scan the key card for 2 ordinary chests and one rare chest with about same amount of gold in a boss vault.
    Edits for grammar and more clarity.

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