
Kubernetes at Home with Kubespray and Ansible

Kubernetes at Home with Kubespray and Ansible

#Kubernetes #Home #Kubespray #Ansible

“Engineering with Morris”

Learn how you can use Kubespray and Ansible to set up a Kubernetes cluster at home with code.

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  1. Wow, I've always wondered how to setup & maintain a "raw" k8s cluster on my VMs that will run the so called persistent home servies, and be maintainable.

    Thank you, I've got a few VMs to spin up and experiment with this weekend 😊

  2. I'm using that a t work for lab, create delete, so useful, of course after creating VM's in Terraform ❤
    The kubespray itself is a collection of ansible-playbooks or to be more precisely ansible roles 😏

  3. I'm a bit newer to k8s and linux as a whole so there are times when the "obvious" eludes me but at the 4min 34 second mark you go from terminal to a "vs code" like configuration, and I was curious how you did this or what you used to accomplish it.

  4. Hi @EngineeringWithMorris, seems like for debian users you might need to pass the flag –ask-become-pass or -K, also the –become-method=su. Long story short there is no support for sudo as become method in Debian the same way that exists for Ubuntu, just my 2 cents.

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