
Learning How to Draw (in 50 Days)

Learning How to Draw (in 50 Days)

#Learning #Draw #Days

“Sarah Renae Clark”

I spent 3 months learning how to draw. Here’s how it went!
Watch the extended version on Nebula:

A huge thank you to:
@Jazza : | jazzastudios.com
@ProkoTV : | …



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  1. I had to do a similar process when learning how to **sketch**. Not drawing, sketching. Look at a piece of architecture and sketch it within like 5 mins. I had to basically rewire my thinking. My professor made a funnel example. The way it worked for me is getting the broad shapes first. Usually drawing boxes and cylinders. Then, the secondary broad shapes. Once that's finished, then you can add shading to get the point across. Now, I can do sketches of rooms to try and portray my idea even if I'm not in front of Revit. Realistically, it took… 6ish months? To get comfortable sketching. 26:00 This exactly. I know youtubers, instagram, etc turn sketchbooks into super elaborate finished art pieces when a sketchbook isn't that. Actually, all of 26-40 is what I had to force myself to do

  2. I don't know why, but I got really emotional watching the end of this video. Maybe because I struggle with so many of the same feelings you expressed as you went through this journey. I want to persevere and get out of my head, and this video really inspired me to do so. The first video I watched by you was the creative one, and I'm so grateful that I found these videos to help me through my art journey. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and thank you to the artists who helped you (and me) with the process. ❤️

  3. This is very therapeutic. Not only concerning drawing, but for many things in life, actually. I'm starting to feel that I've been taught wrongly for my whole life, although I don't blame my previous teachers, they earnestly did what they could. But the time comes to move on from that old framework. Thank you 🫶🏻

  4. I am dealing with the frustration, I used to love drawing and was really great at it, then I had my daughter, ten years later I'm trying to get it back but so dismayed at how bad it looks lol But you have to remind yourself even Michelangelo died still practicing to strive for perfect….

  5. I’m amazed at the hard work you and Shane put in to doing these videos. I’m not interested in learning to draw (yet) but really appreciate the work that’s gone on behind not just this video but all of them on your channel. Always great content and the quality is superb.

  6. Hi Sarah, I think this is the best video you've done. I was really pleased you talked about all the quite complicated feelings it comes with and I enjoyed you getting perspectives from other artists. My fave segment was your drawing with Jazza, I could tell you were super uncomfortable but Jazza was a wonderful teacher. He was kind but firm and really pushed you to keep going. Reminds me of some of my tutors in college. Anyway I resonated so much with when Jazza explains how constructive and analytical your mind is in regards to art, I've always found I could copy really easily but making stuff up I would have to use hacks (random word generators) to try and be more imaginative. So Jazza's lesson really gave me a great lesson too, shout out to Jazza too he's one of my other favourite youtube artists. As a final note I absolutely loved your piece you were happy with of the Greek Philosopher – excellent drawing.

  7. Thank you so much for sharing your journey. You have no idea how much this means to me knowing even someone I look up to stugles means I can do this. I took a break from drawing for a few years and then took more time off for my mental health and I was worried if I'd ever be able to make art that I'm proud of this has been a beacon of Hope for me.

  8. I think Jazza immediately found a story behind his character and was able to run with it.
    Where as you/Sarah was just lost and confused, trying to figure out looks and such. I'm thrilled she kept going with it and figured out a guy.

  9. This videi was so inspiring. I'm also more coloring than drawing person and I feel the same as you did. Now you and the other colorist helped me and encouraged me to try get ti drawing again. Big thank you Sarah for this video and sharing your experience and learning process.😊

  10. I need to do something like this too honestly. I have drawn most of my life but I'm the same I'm not confident in my skills for drawing people, animals etc. I used to do a lot of fashion design but on bodies that didn't have any detail. So it was just a shape of a body, so details like faces, hair textures were always more of a struggle, that and shading.

  11. This was so inspiring. I, like you, naturally have that more critical, detail-oriented creative brain that is so hard to turn off sometimess, and because of that i get discouraged easily with my art and lose momentum because of it. Watching your process in this video has given me so much encouragement at how I can move forward with learning to draw, but in a way that is more balanced and encouraging to my creative process. Thank you!!

  12. Sarah I really enjoyed this, I have done the same things many times. You have made me feel so much better as I also change what I want to draw, and sometimes I can do it, sometimes I cannot. How cool to work with Jazza! And the development of a character part was so important for me. Thank you so much.

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