
Losing All Of Your Fingernails 😱

Losing All Of Your Fingernails 😱

#Losing #Fingernails

“Zack D. Films”



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  1. It’s not painful guys
    So basically when I was little I got my pinky stuck into the door and it had to be healed then I lost a fingernail the whole one and I didn’t feel anything like nothing at all and it took like 7 months for it to grow back 😊❤

  2. Once, I was in the bathroom and my mom opened the door which got caught on my toe. It was the largest one. It hurt so bad and it turned out it was bruised. I had put my foot in a bowl, pot, or some other container and she filled it with warm water. I had to suffer for weeks before it finally started to get better. soon my toenail started to loosen and eventually the toenail fell off. Thankfully, without much pain. Fortunately, the cells that generate the alpha keratin (That's what nails are made of btw) weren't damaged so the toenail grew back. Despite the pain, I forgave my mom.

  3. I lost a nail on my right foot few years back, and i can tell by experience it is really sensitive lol imagine just fitting a sock on it every day it was awful, but it regrew since this everything alright now

  4. Bro I was late up on my phone one night at a apartment and my cat was jumping everywhere so I tried to grab it but I fell of the bed and hit my index toe on my bike and broke it, the next day I was felling a little pain but found out I broke it and was pointing up at the sky when my toe was looking straight🥲 but when I went to the beat 3 WEEKS LATER, i felt no pain in my toe so my ma pulled it off, it felt like…imagine it’s sunny out and there is no wind no clouds no nothing, and then 5 seconds later, wind is coming everywhere but, it’s strong but don’t hurt, so ya,

    If yall read this, thank u for listening, can I have 500 likes pls😅

  5. When I was younger I got my finger stuck in a door and my blood exploded under my nail that made it made it purple blue ish but a week later my nail started to rot (or at least smell bad) and my mom wanted to try something so she put my hand in warm soapy water and put a movie on for me and slowly got the nail of me (like half way) before I saw it and started freaking out but then my nail fully fell off and my nail started growing back now my nail has grown back

  6. This happened to me once when I was 4 years old I was at the park and like I saw that one of my fingernails was coming off it was the Pinky on my left hand the big problem that I use my left hand for everything so I felt immense pain the whole entire time eventually it healed up I think I went to the doctor but I'm not sure that was so long ago I am 11 years right now this was 7 years ago😅😅😅😅😅

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