
NixOS Has A HUGE Problem..

NixOS Has A HUGE Problem..

#NixOS #HUGE #Problem.


NixOS Has A HUGE Problem that it needs help with and is calling Linux Community Members to help. Will NixOS shut down? How can you help? What’s Going ON?

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  1. It's hilarious as money gets centralized into a few people's hands there's less and less to go around. Make 300K a year and we will never be able to afford to move out of our 700 ft² condo in the Bay area. Donating to any calls? Nope. Maybe in a few decades when I'm semi retired

  2. domen is a major contributor to the nixos ecosystem, but i feel he doesn't shy away from comercialising his work. I mean, cachix is nice, but it's not a must to use.

    It'd be good for the community to explore better solutions like p2p, or making self hosting caches easier, and have some sort of federeration of free cache/ci services funded by different sponsors

  3. Compared to a hobby project this is astronomical expenses, sure. But NixOS isn't a hobby project. Nothing surprising to me about those S3 costs. If anything, I'm surprised the transfer costs are as low as they are.

  4. These costs are not that high, especially if you look at what headaches they prevent for companies, and that there will always be hosting-companies competing with eachother (meaning terabytes of unused storage).
    Also, nobody seems to mention that the pre-built binaries are taking up the majority of diskspace..not the textfile build-definitions.
    AFaik the whole nix-package ecosystem fits on a usb stick.
    Nice FUD video though.

  5. Well, SteamOS 3.5 is apparently getting access to the NixOS repos which might actually help out with the issue of Valve having their own repository. So the idea is to see if Valve would be able to sponsor the costs?

  6. These costs are actually pennies, 120k a YEAR is pennies to any corporation. Yes they need to move out of S3, but most importantly, they need to gather the attention of backers, of big companies, this is the decade of Nix, we will live to see Amazon Linux being based on Nix, people everywhere daily driving nix, it just needs to be adopted by some foundation or company.

  7. Sad but i cant say im surprised considering the state of docs and how long nix exists, although wish there was tooling to do what nix does but with debian/fedora packages, maybe even multiple package systems

  8. Seems like that do have indeed a HUGE problem.
    It's using AWS in the first place.
    Besides getting support from various universities around the world as many other distros do, even just hosting it on their own managed VPS (from OVH, Hetzner, etc.) would be significantly cheaper and better for them.
    If you're managing a "built-for-dependability" distro, managing a server/server-infrastructure should not be hard.
    Heck, you could even proudly say that you eat-your-own dogfood.

  9. guys, for real. every major Linux distribution has mirrors sponsored by universities around the globe! Please contact those to mirror you!
    Also, hosting on S3 (and similar) was obviously wrong to begin with. That shall be addressed ASAP!

  10. My guess would be a combination of moving packages towards flatpak, so they don't have to host it. Second move out of S3 it's just to expensive. Since packages are nice tidy bundles a BitTorrent per package would help distribute the load. Also a donation qr code to help with some independent funding couldn't hert.

  11. Hey Savvynik, Why would they used the most expensive cloud services? There's other cloud services on the cheaper end like digital ocean or Linode. They do offer good rates for FOSS and Startups.

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