
Painful Boils Under Armpits!…Could it be Hidradenitis

Painful Boils Under Armpits!…Could it be Hidradenitis Suppurativa?

#Painful #Boils #Armpits…Could #Hidradenitis

“House of Medics”

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), also known as acne inversa, is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that affects the sweat glands and hair follicles. This condition is characterized by recurrent painful nodules, abscesses, and sinus tracts, primarily in areas with apocrine sweat glands, such as…



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  1. I have it under my right armpit for months the infection has been happening back to back I used to go to wound care to have them opened drained but after the last time me having to go everyday to have them changed and packed especially the day's I saw the doctor him having to do debridement or using silver nitrate was to painful needed surgery but because I'm a type 1 diabetic I had to wait to get my sugar under control now that it is I can have the surgery and hopefully it works had the surgery in 2021 that was a disaster leaving me having to go to wound care because the stitches never dissolved leaving an infection and as soon as the wound finally healed the infection came right back

  2. I first got cyst in my right underarm when i was 14 and the next moment blood stains on my shirt at that time i used creams and bandages and then pharmacist recommended antibacterial powder to me and ever since i am using that it increased tbh (maybe because i gained more weight) but it didn't decrease when i lost last year instead it got so painful that i couldn't even move my whole hand (now 18) i think i get used to pain and now i use nothing except powder + i can't live without shower a day because smell keeps getting worse.

  3. Number one lose weight number to stay away from dairy…… I use Dove antibacterial soap… and I use the equate diaper rash ointment with 40% zinc oxide that has a purple lid stopped using deodorant you can use the ointment as deodorant I apply at three times a day and after three days it was cleared up

  4. With passions, homeopathy treatment is the best, it is important that the doctor is very good in homeopathy, this happened to me even after surgery 2 times, then I took homeopathy treatment, that doctor cured everything.

    Apart from this, the side effects caused by the allopathy medicine also improved the kidney, liver and urine track infections. The homeopathy doctor also corrected this

  5. I gets it under my breast,when I smell it, it smells I don't know if it's loud but I smells it ,it smells like we'll it smells bad ,I would wash with soap and water dry the spots and keep it dry keep checking it and make sure it's dry

  6. losing weight is not proven to help HS. See a dermatologist. Changing your eating habits also is not proven to help. Washing with surgical soap and getting on a medication is a good option. Stress also causes more flare ups.

  7. Use a wash rag when u bathe and exfoliants and let it air dry then repeat as pain comes out until pain os gone. May take a week montha or longer depending on how many knots u have u der ypur skin. Clay bentonite and peroxide.exfoliation is the way out

  8. I once had one under my breast,it was SO PAINFUL. It had ripened and I didn't know and the mess from it was insane!!! I managed to drain it myself SAFELY! My doctor was most impressed! lool Sadly,I feel a slight tingling in that area again, so I could be getting another one! Hope not! Oh yes, and I do smoke and I am overweight.

  9. I’m 17 and I have this, I’ve never gotten it before but it’s just randomly appeared a few days ago under both arms but it’s worse on my right armpit. Will I suffer with this condition for the rest of my life or can I get rid of it? 😭

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