
[PoEconomics] The Secrets to Wealth in Path of Exile – Episode I:

[PoEconomics] The Secrets to Wealth in Path of Exile – Episode I: Assets, Distribution, & Inflation

#PoEconomics #Secrets #Wealth #Path #Exile #Episode


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  1. listening to this whole thing was really interesting, not so useful on his own, but i belive in the bigger project and future videos will make this one worth the view
    keep it up

  2. Belton please do us a solid, ask GGG in an interview to make the game crossplay please, the market on console is really bad, the items are more expensive than PC market as well as more scarce and selling is a nightmare there, also buying all the supporter packs/microtransactions again to play the game on PC is really expensive, we need it to be crossplay to be fair for everyone who’s invested in the game and the people that are playing the game

  3. The information is great. In terms of this type of video not being received as well I think it's likely a fact of it being so much information at once. I do prefer all the information in one video but will rewatch certain parts so I can digest it. I'm not sure how applicable it is to this video but timestamps or section markers on the video bar might be helpful. Makes it easier to come back if I didn't understand a certain section but don't want to scrub through a 1.5 hour video to find it. Keep up the good work!

  4. Thanks Belton for putting so much effort into videos like these! Just started watching your channel this league after hearing about Loath Thunder from a friend. I’ve since gone through a bunch of your backlog and can’t wait to implement some of your approach next league.

  5. About credit score: funnily enough, TFT attempted to create something like that via their tiers (“Awakened”, “Trusted”, etc) and their Blacklisting thing. Obviously, this implementation was corrupt in its very form, and thus the “credit score” provided by TFT is not trusted or taken with grain of salt by significant part of the community.

    Comparing TFTs system to credit scoring of individuals brings some interesting similarities: for instance if a mistake was made in your credit score because of incorrect information getting into the system (human error, not even mentioning targeting of people), it can be very very hard for the individual to straighten it out.

    Comparing TFTs system to ratings of countries and corporations (S&P, Finch, Moody’s) brings another curious similarity: meritocracy can be overtaken by politics and corruption.

  6. why not just do this in real life and be a billionaire. I stop playing POE and applied thee skills and now im a millionaire IRL not even joking. Instead of spending thousands of hours on POE i spend it IRL

  7. Really good video. I only started POE at the beginning of this league, and I feel like your content is such a hidden gem. You keep it real and clearly convey the information.
    I felt like the video went by quickly, it kept my attention through out and I feel like it established economy fundamentals really well, to me this was favourite video I've seen by you. I don't feel like the concepts you explained and your way of covering them was difficult to understand, and I would really enjoy the next video in this series if it followed the same oattern.
    Great work!

  8. Another thing, regarding 1:10:00, victimization, the game tends to favor people that put more hours into the game, so streamers will have much more knowledge and also currency. Seems normal, don't even know how games like this survive for so long, when content creators are "co-owners" of the economy, along others that make a $ from rmt.

  9. one video topic that I think you should definitely look into discussing that may not be very popular but that YOU would have a great personal insight on is how to maximize standard wealth while in league. for example, parking currency in mirrors vs divines or how many people rip new league content over to standard by playing hardcore.

  10. quick question, around 54:30, you say that currency tends to be less available during the weeks of the league, then how is it that this league, 1d reached 110c or less? Shouldnt 1d be more chaos like in other leagues? what happened?

  11. When describing the depreciation of a weapon as it gets closer to the end of league, Belton could have assigned one of the 4 "greeks" to the phenomenon. Specifically, he is describing, very accurately, what is known as Theta decay. Typically used to describe the loss of extrinsic value in an option, the closer to expiration it gets. It can take years to properly understand Theta decay so that it may be used effectively in your daily trading strategies, yet Belton somehow managed to express the concept in just a few short minutes.

  12. Just when I thought the video was about to start it was over^^
    Nice background information, can't wait for the more indepth follow up that are more tied into POE!
    Keep up the good work Belton!

  13. Economics explained in a way a 5th grader can understand. Really well done… hopefully this gets picked up for more than just poe.

    Looking forward to the next video. Ill be checking out aome of your other vids from the playlist.

  14. Really appreciate how you compare and contrast normal daily economic terms and phenomenons with their equivalents in the market of POE.
    The fact that you can discuss them in enough depth, without pressing all the way to financial jargon concepts, such as ROE, ROI, Sharpe ratio, etc…, shows great restraint and planning.
    Keep up the good work.

  15. i've watched many of your Videos but this one it seems i cant really understand the meaning of because of my Language Barrier. I guess i come back later when my English is much better and i know all those specific Terms

  16. It's crazy you are giving away this information for free. I would gladly pay for this in course format. Keep up the videos, G. You made me a way richer man.

  17. by not having agents lending money and players being the actual ones in control of the means of production, PoE clearly is a Marxist economy (also called communism), with efforts by TFT to actually become capitalists who control the economy.
    Thank you comrade Belton for fighting for the proletariat.

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