
Russian Presidential Election Started Today | IT’S A DISASTER! |

Russian Presidential Election Started Today | IT’S A DISASTER! | Ukraine War Update

#Russian #Presidential #Election #Started #Today #DISASTER

“Artur Rehi”

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  1. Macron is right, (with Brexit issues I never thought I would say that).
    UK, US and France can do this under the Budapest memorandum agreement, it was already signed and agreed by Russia so I can't see how that would be escalation.

  2. Dont think for one second Macron would draw France into a fighting war with anyone with a mondern peer army. For years they have hidden behind the protective shield of NATO without ever makingin any form of real contribution. The French arms industry is to small to provide any significant support to Ukraine. The French army has no experance of real war fighting and any time they do need to defend frances interest they use the foreign leagion the French peopel would not support the kind of losses a real war would cause.

  3. Hello Artur, just another hypothesis – do you think that the starlink systems could have been compromised and the russians could be getting their intel through that system, i.e gps.
    You would think that there is a protocol to prevent that, but since the russians now have their own access to starlink "well, who knows".

  4. Man – the 15 of March is the Ides of March! Julias Ceaser was infamously warned by a seer of the Ids of March — which was the day he was assasinated by the senate! Et Tu, Brute!?

  5. You'r true to underline that less than one year ago the speach of Macron was like that:
    "I talk to my friend Vladimir … bla bla bla…" Vladimir, his friend? hum!
    Things have suddenly change! why? how? Strange! Macron is may be sleeping 90% of the time and suddenly wakes-up and read newspapers.

    But do you know that now Macron has a popularity of 70% … 70%! Yesss.
    Well not in France unfortunatly for him: In Germany! And Olaf Scholz is very low, may be 30%.
    Maybe Germans are awaiting for something here.

    As a French, i dislike Macron, but i dislike more of all The Scholz thing!
    The way he's very condescendant and moking Macron.
    Even if Macron is not allways at the top, he should respect him.

  6. I wonder who will stand up and get an election !! lol.. could it be puketin ?? !! lmao !! ..the soldier voted for the opposition !! 😂😂🤪🤪🤣🤣

  7. You really don’t understand Germany and the Germans. By insulting Scholtz so much you drive the Germans away. You need to understand that Germans are at best split on ukrain. They want ukrain to be free but at least 35 % of Germans prefer Russia over ukrain. Which is obviously stupid but you need too understand that as a historical fact. So scholtz is really not afraid but walking on a narrow phat to keep the East Germans happy.

  8. The purpose of Russian aggression is clear and no amount of reasoning or diplomacy will change their actions or their resolve.. with that in mind is it not better for NATO and Europe to accept that Russia will "never stop" and they will never become a rational state..!? if this is realized "early on" by European states then surely we as free and logic driven peoples should bring down the full hammer of of our military might now with everything we have to ensure that Russia does not move forward, it may be scary and mean all out war.. but it is far better for us to fight now than later!

  9. I’m sorry to say, but you know what’s interesting I know that the Russian president might be Vladimir Putin but at least Russia can have elections unlike Ukraine apparently…..

  10. Those Russians who fled the country needs to vote online. These people number in the millions.
    Now is the time to get rid of Putin before he destroys, not only Russia, but the whole world.
    Nobody in Russia, or other Western countries, wants to see many more deaths on both sides of this war.
    Since 1991 and the fall of the USSR? Russia was far more accepted on the world stage. Russias economy grew. Jobs were increased with Western companies. The standard of life improved.
    Now Russia faces sanctions, the cost of living has gone through the roof. People are suffering. And it is all due to this invasion of Ukraine. Russians have family members in Ukraine, they now have become enemies.
    More countries want to join NATO. Putin is scared if NATO and therefore hates it. But in 2000 Putin wanted to join NATO. Why? Because he saw the benefits.
    SLAVA UKRAINE 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🫶🫶🫶, and God bless those Russians who believe in stopping this war. 🇷🇺🇷🇺🫶🫶.
    People of Russia. The West doesn’t hate you, they just hate the war.

  11. Sadly you are criticising Russias elections. What about the Ukranian elections? Oh yes Ukraine has no elections.
    Msybe the Propaganda you spew should mention that Russia is much more Democratic than the Ukrainian we keep giving money to! Maybe you can come up with something less hypocritical to criticise?

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