
School LIED To Us About Animals (Casual Geographic)

School LIED To Us About Animals (Casual Geographic)

#School #LIED #Animals #Casual #Geographic


SimbaThaGod Reacts To The One Rule of Nature School Never Taught You (Casual Geographic)

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  1. Before I even watch this, gonna say, there's no such thing as Herbivores. There are ONLY omnivores. You have Omnivores that vastly prefer meat, omnivores that eat both, and omnivores that vastly prefer plants. That is it. That's how important complex proteins, which you can only get by eating meat, are. This idea of certain species surviving by ONLY eating plants is absolute bullshit that is only taught to simplify things for kids learning about the world.

  2. I live deep in the Shawnee national forest in the southern most part of Illinois (yes, 99.9% of Illinois is NOT Chicago). You do see forest animals do things like this, but it's very rare. It depends on rare conditions, but mostly on natural inbreeding, mental illness of the animal, virus infection or just a loss of their nuentrents from their expected diet. But he's right. It does happen, it's just very uncommon.

  3. people need to understand what animals they buy….dont trust disney for the cutenes… WHY DO U THINK PEOPLE TREAT DOGS like babyes… thats why there are dangerous dogs.. because the owners are stupid and DOES NOT WANNA LEARN…

  4. For the cursive writing that's a easier way to identify your own unique handwriting for example back in the old days when you write a will the only way you can tell that who made it wrote it by the way they wrote there are cursive letters because they want to put it in print there's not really a way to tell who did it

  5. People still need to learn Cursive, but not for the reasons school tells you.
    A lot of old documentation is in Cursive, most notably the United States Constitution, but also a lot of heritage & financial records (in English speaking countries)
    And if you already know English, Cursive is the next closest language, because it’s only difference is the shape of the letters.

  6. I'm going to save this slowly.
    Animals are evolving. You see it in real-time, things that we learned are false. There once was meat-eating elephants that will come back again.
    We were told that cats were unable to learn however reality shows different. It shows us that cats are highly intelligent. That they're moved mood depends on how they react.
    You're seeing on multiple occasions where cats can be absolutely kind.
    Or can be absolute demon. A lot of animals are starting to imitate human speech.
    The Earth is changing and we need to adapt. Europe or Western society may have screwed us over. They thought they were superior to everything. Now we are finding out that everything might want to send this up or put us in a pack.
    We even have bugs that treat other bugs like mobile armor, a gundam or Ironman suit.

  7. yeah nah christmas island is a horror show with the crabs, coconut crabs are freakishly strong and big combined with the SWARM of red crabs

    for your sanity dont google red crab babies on christmas island. pictures of them are just horrifying when you see how many there are and how small they are as babies

  8. Yo Simba you must be knew to casual geographic my boy teaches about these wild animals and it usually is pretty narly you gotta be ready for this mans videos

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