
Studies In Dangerous Alien Lifeforms (part 2/2) | HFY | A short

Studies In Dangerous Alien Lifeforms (part 2/2) | HFY | A short Sci-Fi Story

#Studies #Dangerous #Alien #Lifeforms #part #HFY #short

“SciFi Stories”

Apologies to you all. I missed a small section out of this story in the editing process. I’ve now added it back in again so please enjoy it in it’s entirety.

Another story from u/WRickWrites. For this one where back in the Deadly Deadly Humans universe with another story from the perspective…



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  1. I mean, the final conclusion is what EVERYONE should say. After all, being scary, especially to non-predator species is exactly how omnivores who were hunters and gathers should be by default. It shows better sense than those Stat-Stan bastards(I misspelled that probably), and their whole, if I can do it to you, maybe you should be stronger, right up until the other guy IS stronger, then its just run away.

  2. right.. dive bombing bio drone swarms worthy to be called planetary antibodies due to the territorial aggression that tops steel in body material quality..
    get me the clip from that movie with the line ''thats not a shootgun ,thats a dam anti aircraft cannon mate'' ..so i can play it when ever the alien employers questions my choice of gear because while i never escalate without lethal threats first ,but… i still pack both the semi automatic armour piercing handhelds , the tripod mounted versions , the flame throwers , the mortals , and the portable short term flak to.. and armour ? dont be silly! the lab coats be in camo 'light' armour , and dedicated field medics in the same piercing resistant armour like the jaegers ''hunter'' elite 'light' infantry used as escort ,since not only do those be used to carry proper gear but also to handle everything from emergency escape to long term survival or flat out brutal butchery and how to keep vip's or mission critical material in mind the whole time…

    and yes , the dubious engineering team is welding a anti tank gun on the rover , why are you asking ? ^^

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