
Tattoo needle depth visualized #shorts

Tattoo needle depth visualized #shorts

#Tattoo #needle #depth #visualized #shorts

“Q inks”



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  1. Ive had an artist or two do some digging on me and I've also had a really good artist who was a finalist on ink masters do some work on me and I could barely feel it. Sat through 5 hours like it was nothing. It's crazy how much difference a mm or two can make. I've also tatted my own hand over a bone and only set my needle somewhere between 1-2mm and I barely felt it. I was actually wondering if it was going to stick or not lol. All I can say is this is very important and there are a lot of people out there who think the deeper they go the more the ink will stick blah blah. All that does is cause unnecessary pain and blowouts.

  2. I know I am going deep enough but the ink is not depositing? I’m going slow as hell too. I’m letting it heal now before I go back in so I don’t overwork it.

  3. Meh fucking hurts like fuck don’t care what anyone says some places are ok but once you’ve done 100 hours like me your just over it and it’s just a fight or flight situation the entire time

  4. For all the people that want to tattoo but don’t have an apprenticeship, go buy a book of traditional tattoos, trace as many designs as you can, keep tracing, trace your favorites the ones you don’t like, practice your spit shading and water colors, than do some more tracing, did I mention that you need to trace and then trace some more, keep tracing no matter what anybody else says and no matter how good you are at drawing. If you are against tracing and take the advice, you’ll understand why eventually. Whether you make your own designs or not, this is a tracing job.

  5. Ngl man rhis shits been confusing me for days, my depth controls pretty good you know for a newbie, but the throwaway skins are only a bit over 1.5 mm, and idk man every time i google how thick the epidermis is it says its way thicker then u did but ive tatted myself before and ik u aint gotta go this deep.
    This video saved my life

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