
The Cube: Saudi Arabia’s Next Megaproject

The Cube: Saudi Arabia’s Next Megaproject

#Cube #Saudi #Arabias #Megaproject

“Top Luxury”

First the Line & the Oxagon, then the Dubai Circle, and now the Mukaab! In this video, we go over Saudi Arabia’s insane Cube, which would become the biggest building in the world. For more skyscraper & megaproject content make sure to subscribe to Top Luxury!

0:00 The Cube: Saudi Arabia’s Next…



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  1. I am think it's an insult that these people in charge in Saudi use Islamic beliefs and don't follow them but expect others to they sleep with only fans women in hotels is not their wives that's a sin many drink and smoke and Gamble again a sin in their religion so why should anyone take what they say seriously?

  2. there is a recurring theme i hear from all of these arab oil nations when it comes to these stupid,money pissed down a rat hole projects. it is to transition their economies away from oil to something more sustainable in the future when the oil wont be a viable income for the nations. well….tourism probably isn't it. these cities in the desert are going to cost so much to maintain that tourism dollars wont cover it all and also provide a sustainable income for these nations. it just wont. they could have taken a real approach like farming. yes farming. desalination plants everywhere on their coastlines providing an endless source of fresh water to irrigate the interior into viable farmland. they could produce enough crops to not only compete with any nation today but actually become a global leader in world food supply. their petrol dollars can afford to build such an infrastructure that wouldn't be a cost burden into the future as their agriculture ramped up so would the returns. then they would have achieved their goals of transitioning away from fossil fuel productions. so far they are building pretty projects that are squandering their fortunes and will have very little return to show for into the future. i suspect many of these things will become worthless decades from now.

  3. هذا "المكعب " هو القليس الذي بناه الحبشة حقدا علي "الكعبة"
    محمد بن سلمان هو أبرهة هذا العصر ، أنه يحارب الاسلام بكل قوة ، فهو يقيم قليس يسيميه اسم قريب تماما من اسم الكعبة وحتي الشكل مطابق للكعبة ويريد أن يذهب المؤمنين الي قليسه الذي يطفح بالمجون بل والتجديف علي الله في الأغاني كل ذلك بدلا من الكعبة ، احذروا يا مؤمنين أرض الحرمين من غضب الله ، ابن سلمان أحقر حتي من أبرهة وانتم تعلمون ما حصل له
    احذروا من هذا الكفر والتجديف ، ولكن هذا المغفل المرتد يظن نفسه اقوي من الله ، حتي الفيديو والذي يقدمه غير مسلم قال ذلك لكن يبرر ذلك بحجة عبيطة غبية لا تنطلي علينا نحن العرب أنها صدفة لأننا نعرف من هو السفاح ابن سلمان ابو منشار والذي يعتقل اي داعية له شعبية ويرفض أفعاله بل حتي التعاطف مع غزة الان كافي يعني الاعتقال ، لعنة الله عليك يا ابن سلمان انت وآل سلول جميعاً اللهم إلا من يكتم إيمانه وينكر بقلبه ، هذا إن وجد والعلم عند الله

  4. Another thing that is not functional but serve as a dick-measuring contest for the elites.
    Yup, fints in Saudi Arabia just right, can´t wait for the Chinese try similar shit and get in even bigger debt.

  5. Wasting billions if not trillions of dollars on all these projects and all they had to do was follow in the footsteps of the Egyptians and build pyramids. Look how long those have been standing. And then maybe not.

  6. After watching the video on the Mukaab, I've decided I want a holographic dome for my living room. Just imagine binge-watching Netflix and suddenly being transported to the surface of Mars or the bottom of the ocean! Though, I might need a snack stand in the virtual reality – can the Mukaab architects work on that upgrade too?

  7. I myself would never want to go inside of it knowing that water was on tope of the building .it can burst at any time the weight alone on tope is dangerious. , but if the water lake was on the bottom i might take a change other than that no way would i enter it…

  8. Okay yeah so the future is here BUT the future creates it's own problem. If you live in the apartments and there's shopping and food and basic needs being sold, why would you ever want to leave? I mean.. everything you want is there, even vacation spots. Also, what about children born to parents of the apartments? If the parents are the type that don't want to leave then it's expected their children would never leave. Kids would basically grow up in virtual world without ever knowing anything else. (yeah yeah i know.. they didn't mention a hospital or school but that will added, if built and that a pretty big IF…..

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