
The easiest trick for very hooded, deep-set eyes. #hoodedeyes

The easiest trick for very hooded, deep-set eyes. #hoodedeyes #hoodedeyemakeup

#easiest #trick #hooded #deepset #eyes #hoodedeyes




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  1. This is easy? It's not difficult but too many steps and details. Obviously done by a makeup artist and not a regular female. Plus I'm ADHD and do not have patience for this x 2. Thanks for your efforts though.

  2. 1) why are men makeup experts? 😅 2) where’s the before and after on both 3) what about your technique addresses hooded eyes 4) we don’t see the effect of aging on hooded eyes
    Long story short, how’d you nail the recipe for what we want to see and yet fail on every count? The makeup doesn’t even look good.

    I want my time back, you’re welcome for the undeserved engagement

  3. You need to have the right brush that can hit both the upper fold and the crease while moving it softly across the fold to create a new ‘crease’ to put it like that. at the same time you don’t want to ignore your normal crease or it will look weird when you close your eyes.

    The brush should be a bit thick, being small at the point and denser at the middle. Just pat the shadow on to 2 sides of the brush (not all around it) and place it strategically.

    Personally I just look at my eye when they are open and look at where I need to place the shadow. In the middle part above the eye, i go very close towards the brow, because that is the part that will show. On the outer side of the eye (the skin flap) there is more leeway, but make sure to blend well ON the skin flap.

    But yeah the right brush is more important with hooded eyes.

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