
The Ultimate Medellin Digital Nomad Guide – Is It Worth It?

The Ultimate Medellin Digital Nomad Guide – Is It Worth It?

#Ultimate #Medellin #Digital #Nomad #Guide #Worth


The Ultimate Medellin Digital Nomad Guide – Is It Worth It?

I’ve heard so many mixed feelings about the city, and I had numerous preconceptions about it. So, what’s the best way to truly experience it if not by testing it out myself?

I moved to Medellin to try out the digital nomad life for a…



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  1. Just don't. Please don't. We have to try to fight the power in our own countries. We must demand affordable housing and food. Latin America has a lot of problems that we can't fix woth money. It would take multiple lifetimes, so it's ultimately not worth it

  2. 3:47 Great tip and video. Medellin is a cool city but a real Fact is in our country some taxi drivers hacks the "taximetro" and the score goes "100 miles per second" (lol not too fast ) but being honest is pretty important knows the context of the cab travels and dont waste money (hey gringo dame tu money!!)

  3. Laureles is nice, but El Poblado was completely insane to me. I was there for a month. Never been to a sketchier place personally, and I've been to about half of the Americas. I generally did not feel safe throughout Medellin. You can't just sit in a shop with your laptop without having anxiety after seeing two videos of masked gunmen robbing entire coworking cafes of their laptops. 

    I enjoyed Bogota. A lot say that it's more dangerous but it felt safer to me. Just my two cents. No judgment at all to the people of Colombia or to your video, this just my honest reaction and unsolicited opinion.

  4. Hey. What a great video!

    Simple and yet, full of usefull information.

    I would like to add that Bello Antioquia has very good areas. Surrounded by nature and big malls. Buildings close to Fabricato Mall are worth visiting and considering.

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