
They Were Wrong About Cholesterol?

They Were Wrong About Cholesterol?

#Wrong #Cholesterol

“PrevMed Health”

Was Peter Attia’s supposition that LDL / ApoB as causal towards athlersclerosis as correct as he thought it was? In this video, we include guests David Feldman and Dr Nick Norwitz, PhD University of Oxford and MD candidate Harvard Medical School (



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  1. Funny thing is that the "conservative" approach would have put the lower 50% of the people the graph (both cohorts) on statin therapy to lower cholesterol causing them absolutely no benefit considering the zero plaque they carry and who knows what harm from interference with the normal human metabolism. Who knows, what one big recommendation that studies like this show is that no one should be put on a statin until a scan like this positively indicates plaque buildup – similar to how we don't put people on diabetes medication because of the risk of getting diabetes until the blood tests show they have diabetes (or cancer or whatever)….

  2. Wow Dave and Nick did raised the same point that I had in mind which is you have to be nuanced about the word 'causal' when you are talking about necessary conditions. Good job guys.

  3. I was put on a statin med because of my high cholesterol levels and high triglycerides. Side effects were many including looking like i was 5 months pregnant. I was switched to another statin and got inflammation of the liver and if touched was painful. I decided to stop statins. Not for me.

  4. LDL is not bad cholesterol and neither is APO-b. Dave Feldman -lean mass hyper-responder is also being looked at from the cholesterol heart hypothesis which has been debunked. It’s great that one looks at Cat scan and follows calcium scores. But it will take years to prove & the proof is already readily available . Check the quality of one’s LDl. Type A or type B? Carnivores & hyper-responders have type A LDL which has zero associations with Coronary heart disease. I’m a so tired of this verbal masturbation with respect to LDL. LDL is not the arson burning down the house but the fireman putting out the fires. Where is your critical thinking? You all keep trying to put a circle into a square. Sad. Dr. Ginge

  5. I think you underestimate the opposition the pharmaceutical and insurance industries will mount against you when they look at profit projections with a much reduced input from the mailbox money that are statins.

  6. Thank you for your important videoS. I wonder if you ever spoke about this article "A Review of Mechanisms on the Beneficial Effect of Exercise on Atherosclerosis" which pretends alLowing plaque regression . And if you made a video about exerciSe effects on atheroma ? I wish you the best end of year vacations !

  7. There's so much information out there already there is meta-analysis studies with 7,000 people. There is also data on the oldest living people all have cholesterol that are high including LDL and the people with the most CVD have cholesterol that's 200 and under statins are big business in United States. .

  8. I’m 76. I started a keto diet with TRE about a year ago, currently fluctuate with low carb (about 40-50 net carbs per day). I lost about 40 lbs while on keto, my DXA scan showed optimal level of visceral fat (1.8 lbs), feel more energetic and clear-headed, lowered my fasting blood sugar and blood pressure, also my triglycerides have lowered, HDL has gone up but Total cholesterol is 296 and LDL is 205. They were within acceptable range before I lost weight. Basically, the LDL and total cholesterol are my only potential dangers for CVD/stroke. My doctor is upset with me because I have refused statins.

  9. Again. Get connected with Oreo manufacturers, they will finance your research..))) imagine the slogan on the cookie box: “our cookies are better and safer than statins!”

  10. This is a false debate. Anyone who studies and understands the science knows that it isn’t a matter of which causes atherosclerosis, ApoB vs metabolic disease. Both ApoB and metabolic disease are independently associated with increased cardiovascular risk.

  11. These findings discredit the established medical community regarding heart disease how they think about it and how to treat it. If you have some good, smart individuals whose objective is to go after the truth about the root causes of heart disease, regardless of what their prior professions were, I would champion their thesis to be put forth for analysis along with the data to support it and then see what the responses are from their colleagues.

  12. Attia's commentary has become noticeably less nuanced, and noticeably more strident and dogmatic, just in the ~3 years I've been aware of him.
    Meanwhile, Dave, despite the outpouring of data accumulating to support his hypothesis, remains humble and full of caveats.

  13. There is a swedish study where they followed 44000 above 65 years old for 35 years ! It seems everyone that reached 100 had higher cholesterol levels then the ones that did not reach 100. Plus if i do not remember wrong lower sugar values.

  14. The Big Boys aren't going to be happy as people start looking at these new studies.
    "Worldwide, sales of statins are running at about $19 billion a year and growing quickly.1 This success profits not only the pharmaceutical industry but also all those whose finances and careers are furthered by the research and the sales." (Royal Society of Medicine, 2004)

  15. Spoiler alert – Peter Attia is not actually a participating guest in this discussion. Glad this new info is getting in front of subscribers to this channel but I've already seen it a couple times now. Would love to see a response from some of the more hardline/mainstream longevity influencers like Dr. Attia at some point. I'm sure it hasn't escaped his notice. Great content!

  16. I think it would be good to consider the next step to take people who are LMHR and have cardiovascular disease w low carb diet to track their disease progression….an also consider my offer to discuss an important missing piece to the cause of heart disease.

  17. Interestingly, my son, age 50 just had a stent, Left Circumflex. Four years prior, age 46, with low BMI, his Total C = 426, LDL 238, HDL 87, TG = 51. CTC scan Agatston score was 8, minimal calcified. Cardiologist placed on atorvastatin 40 mg daily. One year later 80 mg. NO mention of reduction in carbs, only LOW FAT. NO eggs, etc. No check for insulin resistance. Very high stress emanating from self proprietor business and a child's marital problems. After his "event", he is now on 80mg atorvastatin, Zetia daily, and injections of Repatha! Thanks for your channel as it aids in my research to try to influence him to "find another solution".

  18. I am 50 years old. Slim/athletic. Eat healthy, mostly low carb, high fats (butter, tallow, olive extra, coconut), high protein. Regular exercise.
    Latest lab results show very high cholesterol and LDL.
    From what I understand, if the glucose and insulin is good, then the cholesterol is not an issue.

    My recent fasting blood work results:
    Total cholesterol 266
    LDL 160
    ApoB 133
    HDL 93
    Triglycerides, 67
    Triglycerides to HDL ratio 0.76
    A1C 5.7
    Fasting glucose, 99 or 5.6 (I exercised before the blood extraction, and I think I got a higher reading due to this)
    Insulin 4.8
    Insulin index 1.19 (Homa IR)

    My Doc freaked out on the LDL.

    I was ok with the high LDL but the ApoB is high too.

    Should I be focusing on cutting saturated fats? or reducing sugars/carbs further?
    I’m in a dillema!

  19. Like climate change i tend to believe the scientists that are against the norm for the simple fact they explain their scientific find much better than those who group together and accept the norm

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