
Think You Know Narcissists, Borderlines? Think Again! (With Ruan

Think You Know Narcissists, Borderlines? Think Again! (With Ruan de Witt, 2021)

#Narcissists #Borderlines #Ruan

“Nothingness: Antidote to Narcissism”

When it comes to narcissists and borderlines, online “info” by “experts” is a caricature that has little to do with the current state of knowledge. Listen to this talk with Ruan de Witt to get your facts straights and your hype gone.




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  1. That was the best interview several reasons, Dr Sams shared knowledge and the questions asked. Wow, so enlightening the last 15 mins or so re future human beings in the nothingness concept. Hope it transpires in my lifetime prob not im 76 already. Thanks again, best 1.30 hrs.โค

  2. I think narcissists always try to convinve you that "outside" is a dangerous place, a place where you will not be rewarded, where no one will truly like you. This is only my experience, but I think that it's a component of the shared fantasy: inside it's a Heaven, outside it's Hell.

  3. Prof Vaknin I've heard you say before, as in this video, that the narcissist has no self while the borderline does. I've also heard you describe a fluidity across these conditions. For example, a narcissist can essentially become a borderline and vice versa. Does this mean the actual core self is a phenomenon which can come and go, or is something else going on?

  4. Like Ruan, towards the end, when you were talking about narcissism at the societal level, I too experienced many concepts coming together in my head – understanding that religion had offered a 'total solution' – socially, morally, structurally – social institutions, support systems, social scripts – which had given life meaning, purpose and direction – and that we had 'thrown out the baby, the bathtub and the bathroom' – leaving a void – similar to the void within a narcissist? – a void which needs to be filled – and now we are all becoming nodes in a network – part of the 'distributed religion' of narcissism – in which each of us is our own god, and worshipper – truly a vision of hell!

  5. Dr Vaknin, I am 55 and just realizing you are describing my condition to a tee, and it's extremely shocking. Would you please make a video for those who have just realized they have this condition after literally having denied it one's entire life? It's disturbing to realize that all I have are false selves, and that's all I have ever had (since the root trauma). It's so incredible to realize I was factually killed as an ego, and have been denying this ever since with false selves. Very sincere ones.

    Can you imagine what this might feel like and do you have any words of… hope?

    Thank you from the bottom of my non existent heart for all that you have taught me about this tragic condition.

  6. I'm a covert Narcissist, with cerebral grounds. I try to cover my insecurities through intellectual leveraging… I recognized my problems and I'm sure that I have this condition, but it's very hard to break out of that behaviour and suddenly become a positive Charakter, that doesn't have to constantly feel as if he has to hide something. Once a Narcissist recognizes his behaviour as somehow pathologic, because it might hinder a normal quality of life to be obtained, he begins to realize the difficulties and Challenges, that he has to overcome to get out of this condition. There is no switch, that you can turn off to suddenly be more natural and honest, Just by trying to behave differently. this whole symptomatic is connected to a lot of deep routed anxieties and negativ feelings, that you have to overcome first, to get out of this Character, that you chose for youreself. Like in the video stated, you basically have to compensate your'e shortcomings. It can mean a lot of work, to accept flaws and to deal with the past in a constructive way. I think many Narcissists feel deep down, that they would like to be different, but that is just hard work, which can just be overcome, if also the narcissist feels that he can trust certain persons, that are open enough, to listen carefully to his Problems…So it's not only the narcissist, that is guilty for his condition, it's also the social environment, that forces people into narcissistic behaviour.

  7. I wish the US would stop using the DSM because after watching these videos it is so clearly evident that the ICD is so much more logical. Also, that 'self state' theory of Bromberg's makes so much more sense a d less complicated too!

  8. The Push Away phases engulfed and Discarded rollercoaster ๐ŸŽข ride is exhausting… Unfixable Badmind People that their Parents are Responsible for.. I no longer have the time nor the Agency to Help them .. neither should You .. Get out .. is Best Advice I ever heard from the Good Doctor


  9. Great video, you are amazing, keep going. Fae can embark on a being completly true and content journey…Live Fae, it's the only way to be๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿคธโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿงšโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿชก๐Ÿ„โšœ๏ธ

  10. I learned so much from this video and Iโ€™m realizing that in my life I have many narcissistic relatives whether they have the full disorder or just the narcissistic type I have no idea bc these people would never in a million years admit they need help and seek out a therapist, but the damage that these people have inflicted is real. Iโ€™m forever grateful for finding this channel and being able to heal myself from an upbringing peppered with narcissistic abuse from multiple family members and I recognize it now and no longer let them abuse me (THEY STILL TRY!) Again I thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š

  11. Uncanny Valley. Yes, finally a name for that.

    That non stop feeling something is off. Something isnt right.

    Every alarm my mind and body had was going off.

    Going through the mind games and physical abuse from theee relationships is one thing, but finding out the person and the entire relationship was fake is by far the most devastation thing.

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