
This new game has real life graphics | Asmongold Reacts

This new game has real life graphics | Asmongold Reacts

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“Asmongold TV ”

Is this the real life? ..Is this just video games?
by @jackfrags
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  1. its a game you can tell by the trees like when the character brush against the trees and everything else. sorry but not even close to realistic games got a long way to go man

  2. I'm not really into FPS games in general. Like, I don't like the whole idea of using guns to shoot people. Even in a virtual world. Like honestly, who enjoys that and why? Feels weird to me. If anyone has ever lost a friend or a family member to some r*tard with a firearm, they probably would think twice before playing that stuff. Some FPS games are passable as long as they're not realistic, like I have no trouble with DOOM or something like that, you could dismember demons as much as you want as far as I'm concerned. This game, however, is kinda unsettling. Don't get me wrong, I think the graphics look phenomenal, UE5 and the dev(s) are insanely good. This is like a tech demo of what to expect from UE5. But a game where you shoot people shouldn't look that realistic IMO. Inb4 you guys call me a snowflake or something, just think about the consequences. In the world where literally anything could be the last straw for some psycho with a gun, should a game like this be available for everyone? I don't know the answer to that question. I mean, some people would probably just let off steam in it, but what if it just shows one insane person that realistic violence is cool?

  3. This is gonna be insanely abused …
    Examples :
    – Scammers, since we are going through a new gaming era.
    – Video's gonna occur on social media by groups that edit videos to fake police brutality.
    – Gaming studio's going to increase the release price and use 'realism' as an excuse.
    P.S : HOw long do w eneed to wait before games will look like this? SInce you know .. Playstation and Xbox need to support these kind of games …

  4. I believe that ANYONE who says "This is way too realistic for a video-game, I don't want it" is NOT a true gamer! Just a sad wanna-be videogame Journo who NEVER touched a game other than Fornite would say

  5. I love that they are doing motion removal options. Its so hard to play Cod and Far Cry 6 that only let you slightly turn down all the shakes. Makes em hard to play for more that a few hours without getting a headache or getting sick.

  6. True realistic graphics is what we've been striving for since even the 2d era of gaming. And even then there were paranoid buffoons shunning those violent video games such as Mortal Kombat as if they'll cause people to be violence. You never hear them complain about violent movies depicting violent scenes realistically. Like think of the Saw movies. Think how realistically horrifying those can be. That's miles worse than some random npc being shot in some fps. lol

  7. Getting spec ops: the line vibes from what theyre saying the game will be like with tough dialogue and tough moral questions.
    A game on that level of story so to speak with these graphics would be insane but its very hopefull for now.

    Theres still a couple of decently easy ways to see its not real like the shadows, some of the reflections, the depth of field and the vegetation.

  8. it only really appears real in passing. I thought it was all BS and actually real until i really sat down to watch it here. You can really tell its just a video game the more you see of it. Some of the environments look more real than others i think.

  9. its literally just like google earth but better quality …. until there is a lot of game play or real evidence someone is playing it ima stick with its fake .. there is a lot you can do with a simple 3d cam and some editing lol

  10. I''ll be honest, I don't like it. The same reason I don't like those hyperrealistic mods e.g. for GTA. The graphics in a game for me is art, it should have a unique style, bear the mark of it's creator. If the games start looking exactly like the real life, there will no longer be any style to it. They will look just like the world behind our window. For me it's just like with comic books – I prefer unique stylized art over ultrarealistic drawings.

  11. the unfortunate thing about games like this is that they get boring quickly. i said the same thing about Flightsimulator before it was released, this will be nothing more than a benchmark run for content creators like GN and HardwareUnboxed.

  12. I'm surprised that people are surprised of this achievement while we all see what happens with the Ai lately , soon will we have tools that can generate a video from just typing words or convert real images into a real videos. starting from this year you should not be surprised.

  13. The only gripe I have is when you are wearing a body cam and you aim down your sights, the gun should go above the body cam. I think it should’ve been a helmet camera.

  14. yep we're finally there .. games look absolutely realistic
    even if i have to say .. something looks a bit fishy .. i want to see a sample where parts are not rendered or some visible stuff is shut on and off

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