
Unlock Cloud Shares in 3 Easy Steps

Unlock Cloud Shares in 3 Easy Steps

#Unlock #Cloud #Shares #Easy #Steps

“Azure Academy”

Are you ready to switch to a 100% cloud managed Azure Virtual Desktop environment? In this video, I will show you how to deliver applications dynamically to your AVD users without any traditional infrastructure. 🔥AFTER THIS 👉 👈

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  1. Virtual Virtual Desktop ARM Provider is called Azure Virtual Desktop ARM Provider in my tenant, which one you get seems to be based on when you registered the Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization resource provider to the subscription.

  2. Awesome work Dean! Totally off topic but, I noticed that you are able to deploy the image: Windows 11 Multi-session + 0365.. with Intune enabled.

    I have been having a ton of issues with Intune breaking with this configuration. Would anyone happen to have any insight on this?🥺

  3. Great video! What are your thoughts on file storage for a company? If a company is using Azure Virtual Desktop and they migrate their file server to Azure files, would the concept in this video help? It seems like authenticating to an Azure File share still requires Active Directory.

  4. Awesome! Working on it now. I am new with InTune and AVD Management. Do you have any existing videos for this, or is it possible to do a deep dive? I wasn't able to find anything AVD-Intune Specific.

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