
Updated 4 Star Only Tier List

Updated 4 Star Only Tier List

#Updated #Star #Tier #List

“Zajef Daily”

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  1. Heavy disagree with yao fishl and chevruse being in the same tier as bennet and xianling. Its blasphemy. Both bennet and xiangling are core part of the best meta teams in the game. Chevruse become really good only with her c6. She is only decent before that. She is pretty new character and its so much harder to have her c6 in comparison to old characters. Fishl have many decent teams but she is very replacable and yao is only one of the many healers.

  2. I'd like to also point out how freeze (as it appears to me) has become mores valuable for other carries as opposed to cryo. Neuvillette and wanderer benefit from freeze moreso than any other character not named ayaka. Which is ironic considering a hydro and anemo carry outperform someone outside their element.

    This makes me think the cryo archon will either be a freeze carry or support who can freeze anyone including bosses

  3. I'll say this. "Defensive utility" as a term is annoying. The one thing I search for (as a long time player) is interruption resistance.

    Not getting staggered is more important to me than anything else. It's why I rate Raiden, Zhongli. Nilou, baizhu, and even Dehya at times higher than others. Being able to continue you're rotation regardless of teams without being interrupted is invaluable.

  4. Xingqiu can be replaced by Yelan ,Yelan is the 5star version of xingqiu with more Dps potential.
    But Bennett can't be replaced by anyone,nobody can replace Bennett!
    You may be able to find a better buffer or a better healer but no single character can do what Bennett does(alone).
    And for people who are saying Bennett is getting useless,most of the characters released in fontaine need him(even Arlecchino )except for maybe Neuvillette.
    He can only be replaced by maybe a 5 star version of him if they release one in natlan.

  5. Sucrose just isnt better than Kazuha to the average player though. The avg player wants grouping & dmg buff & Kazuha is the one who gets that done properly cos Sucrose can be a little more tricky to use. He talks about the avg player when he mentions Zhongli or Xingqiu but not when he mentions Kazuha which is where I find myself disagreeing. Cos when you are unable to group enemies properly or unable to infuse an element accurately with Sucrose because of her clunky 1.0 kit features, Kazuha really shines. idc how good Sucrose is, she just ISNT for the avg player. Just like Childe isn't or like how Zhongli IS!

  6. I feel like Furina is very clearly the best character in the game even at c0, with c2 it is not even remotely close. Xingqiu is good and all, but damage wise he is just a worse Yelan basically which is still good, maybe you can argue top 3 but not top 1 for sure.

  7. That opening statement on the fundamental issue with tier lists was the best thing I've heard today. Glad to know that at least one YouTube person that covers TC has enough integrity/responsibility to publicly denounce (and act generally consistently with that denunciation of) tier lists.

    The whole 'tier-list meta' thing is probably my top pet-peeve about the community. I see even generally trustworthy TC people going around spouting off power-levels/tiers of characters as if there were some single universal value that applied for all situations. It only gets worse from there as you go further down the communication chain to people further removed from the actual analysis and testing done to figure out the performance of and optimize the use of characters.

    While talking about relative power or value of characters might be fine if it is between people who have the background knowledge and skill to come to their own conclusion based on rigorous methods (i.e. actual TC people not just 'meta enthusiasts'), as soon as you start talking about that stuff to people who aren't able or inclined to think critically about it tends to just become decontextualized dogma that leads people to make uninformed decisions.

    Tier lists fundamentally present themselves (regardless of the disclaimers) as universal statements about the value of the things which distracts people from the much more useful strategy of actually learning about how the character works, the game mechanics, and other relevant details so one can make a decision for themselves based on their circumstances.

    I really respect Zajeff for at least trying to do the responsible thing and go against this trend despite how lucrative it seems to be.

  8. Bennett's healing is meaningless when he enables you getting 1 tapped by Tulpa LOL.
    And we have more local legends that do Hydro damage like the new Vishap one. So he's a liability. Ohhh Zajef mentions this.

    Stop playing Bennett.

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