
Why the heck would OREOS lower LDL cholesterol? w/ Nick Norwitz,

Why the heck would OREOS lower LDL cholesterol? w/ Nick Norwitz, PHD

#heck #OREOS #LDL #cholesterol #Nick #Norwitz

“Dr. Boz [Annette Bosworth, MD]”

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Nick’s paper:
Nick’s video:

0:00 Intro and Guest Nick Norwitz
3:19 LDL-C results
5:40 Nick’s story
10:00 Trying to Ketogenic diet
14:20 Lean…



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  1. Nick, the true test would be to have you submit to angiograms for an inside look at your coronary arteries for plaque.. it's widely reported that many people with high lipid panels never form plaque. get a grant to cover the cost.

  2. Oreos are vegan-friendly, which is to say, planet-friendly, and they lower LDL-c two-fold compared to what a statin does. What else can you ask from a healthy food?

  3. Dr. Boz, are you willing to take questions from the public that you can make question and answer video's from? I do have some honest cardiovascular questions that provoke intense thought. One question I ask about cardiovascular disease rocks the cardiovascular world as much as Oreo cookies. Usually nobody answers. Total silence is common. But if someone is brave enough to address this, you will get get a ton of views.

  4. Have you done an NMR test? As I understand it the normal cholesterol test does not distinguish between good/bad LDL nor between good/bad HDL. The normal test can make shifts in diet make your cholesterol look worse while the NMR test might point our that the "bad" LDL & HDL have decreased while the "good" have increased.

  5. I am soooo convinced that this oreo experiment really is real!! For 6 months being ketovore. Lost 32lbs.
    Long story short, my cholesterol in Nov 2023 says 467. Then doc prescribed 2 medications which are rosuvastatin and ezetimibe. I did took it for 6 days. Felt horrible. Quit taking it and since it was the holidays during the month. I ate everything that was full carb and sweets and all. Just recently got my blood work and guess what. My cholesterol went down 200 points. 267. So, what does this tell you!! Yep, statin is BS. I know now, Cholesterol is definitely something that your body need!!!

  6. Harvard Professor Willett's nuanced evaluation of the PhD student's work might be deemed charitable, given the prevailing hype surrounding the student's research, which appears to lack a substantive scientific foundation. Glycogen, identified as the primary storage form of carbohydrates in mammals, particularly in humans where it predominantly resides in skeletal muscles (around 500 g) and the liver (around 100 g), serves as the focal point of this analysis.

    In the realm of low-carbohydrate diets, the metabolic adaptation of the liver to employ fat for energy through gluconeogenesis is a pivotal consideration. This shift, leading to heightened oxidation and subsequently elevated LDL levels, reflects the intricacies of the physiological responses associated with such dietary regimens. The resultant increase in LDL is postulated as a compensatory mechanism against the surplus particles generated by enhanced fat oxidation. However, the complexity of these biochemical processes is underscored by the paucity of comprehensive, long-term investigations into the health implications of sustained low-carb diets.

    Unfortunately, the absence of robust, extended studies creates an intellectual void regarding the enduring effects of persistently elevated LDL over prolonged durations. This knowledge gap hampers a thorough understanding of potential adverse health outcomes, necessitating caution in formulating definitive conclusions.

    Moreover, the emphasis on academic intricacies in this discourse may be seen as deviating from the central concern of overall well-being, which is seemingly overshadowed by the prevalent emphasis on fat loss as the ultimate goal of dietary pursuits. Regardless of individual body fat percentages, the assertion that daily carbohydrate intake exceeding the range of 100-130 grams is unnecessary may underscore a broader perspective on dietary considerations. It is crucial, however, to acknowledge the multifaceted nature of nutritional science.

    In conclusion, while recognizing Professor Willett's lenient critique of the aforementioned PhD student's work, a nuanced evaluation of glycogen metabolism and the intricate interplay of metabolic processes in low-carbohydrate diets is essential. A discerning awareness of the existing gaps in scientific inquiry and a consideration of the broader implications of dietary recommendations contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the discourse at hand, with less emphasis on extreme low-carb diets.

  7. Its very simple actually,if you dont eat carbohydrates you wont have glycogen stores so gluconeogenisis means high LDL the minute you eat carbs ie oreos you have glycogen again and so LDL goes down

  8. "This could be the low hanging fruit that really helps transform the future of health…"
    "The hidden fruit forbidden by the medical-pharma monololy on ill-health that generates business profits."

  9. Look at the Thymus gland for why going keto is so effective for inflammatory diseases.
    It should be no surprise that since the thymus codes immature T-cells with instructions and that excess sugars store as fat throughout the body that a fatty Thymus caused by high carb diets can wreck havoc on your immune system by causing a dysfunction in maturing new T-cells in the thymus gland.
    Immature T-cells seek out inflammation and fail to differentiate tissue from invader and viola! Theres your problem.
    So keto solves the problem of a high carb diet by removing the barrier to properly maturing T-cells in the thymus gland by keeping the Thymus gland as healthy as possible.

    For the same reasons, people who are overweight and lose weight do better with their allergies with some not needing allergy medication at all.

    In the case of stress…
    Unfortunately, the thymus is sensitive to acute stress-induced atrophy and is often referred to as a “barometer of stress” for the body. Acute thymic atrophy can therefore contribute to the development of a less-diverse, oligoclonal peripheral T cell repertoire and constricted host immunity, but also a flood of immature T-cells into the body that do not adequately differentiate host tissues from antigens.

  10. Using Oreo made this research very interesting. This research shows that carbohydrate is not an evil like many people are treating nowadays. Of course, Oreo is not a good choice for healthy life because of many ingredients, especially added sugar. Plain rice including white rice is a good choice for physically active lean people.

  11. CVD and Statins
    I'm convinced that coronary heart disease and strokes have a high carb diet as their root cause (from resulting hyperinsulinemia); and that blood lipids are not the root cause. Instead, lipids are indicators of the healing process (as in LMHR phenomena). People eating a keto diet, even with high cholesterol, will likely live longer, healthier lives.

    Statins: IMHO
    Never take statins. Blood lipids, (e.g. LDL) are “indicators only” of CVH health. LDL can’t be manipulated to improve CVH. Higher (no limit) LDL is healthy. Start eating a strict carnivore diet and get a benchmark CAC Scoring Test.

  12. The continued insanity is that people still talk about good and bad cholesterol without knowing a single thing about how important cholesterol is. As if our bodies would produce something unnecessary. People are looking at this in the old light of you must lower ldl. He started healthy and the shit oreos destroyed his healthy balance. People are idiots. Spend thirty seconds and find out how vital cholesterol is to life. All cholesterol

  13. Many friends and acquaintances know that I have been Keto for five years. They have watched me reverse obesity, hypertension, and diabetes and cancer. But I regularly hear, "But I NEED my carbs!" because trying to go Keto made them "so tired". The best one was the young person who insisted that they were allergic to ketones because they got keto rash. However, they were prescribed anti-histamines and that didn't stop the itching. I explained that if the anti-histamines didn't help, then there was no histamine reaction and therefore, no allergic reaction. They still tell everyone they know that they are allergic to ketones.

  14. No way I'm watching this video the headline has me shaking my head, a doctor really, kind of like the doctors back in the day that told people smoking was healthy. 🙄🤣

  15. It’s not a hack, carbs lower ldl which prices low ldl is from sugars not a proper diet. It should be viewed as a negative to have low ldl. Low ldl and high triglycerides means you eat carbs. High ldl and low triglycerides means you eat meat and fat

  16. I'd love to understand, if in some circumstances it is beneficial, when to deliberately "dose" with carbs vs. drugs. Doesn't surprise me this idea came from a runner! Runners revel in the "carbing up" ritual before a Marathon.

  17. Watching a video exposing another lie, fraud, contradiction or conspiracy from the medical industrial complex is always a great way to start the day. I can almost hear the back peddling from the medical industry now. Lol

  18. Obviously, statins are the proper course of treatment for elevated LDL-C. But this demonstrates that if you are on an unhealthy diet, you should try eating carbohydrates first before resorting to medical interventions. Diet matters, including unhealthy diets.

  19. 15:25
    The obese people's cholesterol on keto went down? Oh really.
    I am 65. 210 lbs. 5'7". That is not lean at all. That is obese for Pete's sake.
    I went on a Keto/carnivore diet, I lost 40 lbs. to 170 lbs. after 5 months.
    My LDL cholesterol jumped from 104 to over 350.

    Particle counts and apoB are also off the chart high.
    What does this have to do with lean? Either you are a hyper responder or you are not. It is genetics obviously. Of course, not all people's cholesterol goes up. In fact, some people's cholesterol goes down on keto.

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