
Why Your Healthy Habits Might Not Be Enough Without TRT?

Why Your Healthy Habits Might Not Be Enough Without TRT? #toptrtexperts

#Healthy #Habits #TRT

“Balance My Hormones”

#trt #testosteronetherapy #testosterone
if you’re a newbie who’s just looking to start the trt journey you might have some questions:
1. What are some common myths and misconceptions of TRT?
2. What are some benefits of testosterone replacement therapy?
3. Are there any side effects of TRT?



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  1. I'm 50, started lifting and eating right (animal based, 90%) last January, weight hasnt been coming off as quickly as i would like.

    This February, I got my test levels checked, total T was 170, SHBG 30, started 100ml once a week 5 weeks ago, in it for the long haul.

    Its a now or never deal

  2. I'm now 52 with my test in the 300s and I feel like 💩…I still force myself to go train 3 to 4 days a week but life is miserable and my last 2 doctors just say oh you're within range just keep working out you'll be fine…I'm not fine and if it wasn't for my 2 kids I wouldn't be here right now…guys take your hormones seriously…I'm now going to my 3rd doctor next month hopefully this one understands.

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