
World’s First $2.7m street legal F1 Hypercar!

World’s First $2.7m street legal F1 Hypercar!

#Worlds #2.7m #street #legal #Hypercar

“Supercar Blondie”

This is the new street legal Mercedes AMG One a $2.7m Hypercar with a real Formula 1 engine! The 1.6-liter V-6 revs to 11,000 rpm and the powertrain also utilizes four electric motors

Big thanks to @Mercedes-AMG for letting me test it!

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  1. 0-100 km/h in 2,7 seconds that is quite slow, the fully electric Battista and the Rimac are around 1,85 seconds, even the Tesla Model S Plaid, a family sedan is much quicker with its 2,1 seconds.

  2. Front has copied the McLaren F1, so too the top & air intake. The rear is different but ugly. The Lexus LFA is the best engineered car in the world still. Only thing missing on it is perhaps twin clutch. More importantly it has the best F1 sounding engine in a car. Where talking about the old 1980s through to the 2000s F1 scream. This car doesn't have it.

  3. Sorry, but I really hate these new hybrid hypercars, they sound like some shitty little motorbike, not a high-performance vehicle. Why can't they just stick to V10's & V12's.

  4. Wieso "moderiert" SuperCarBlondie diesen Bericht ? Es müßte doch eigentlich Sophia Calate am Steuer dieses Auto's sitzen, oder nicht ? Ist Frau Calate evtl. umgezogen und hat vergessen, ihre neue Anschrift mitzuteilen ? Könnte aber auch sein, das Frau Calate zu Viele Aufträge hat und für solche "Darstellungen" gar keine Zeit hat, oder man hat ihr eine zu geringe Gage für ihre wertvolle Arbeit geboten hat. Na ja, Sie wird ihre Gründe haben ! 😂😂😂

  5. Like the car but the wheels,….man the wheels need an update, l know you're not buying this car for the wheels, but they have to be better,….but bad ass car over all

  6. For your info on your view of this vehicle is not entirely correct . For the 1990 C4 ZR-1 Corvette ,Lotus designed the LT5 engine using the Lotus Formula One Engine design as it's template . 4 CAM 32 VALVE 16 FUEL INJECTOR ENGINE . So in fact the first car to have a Formula one Engine was the 1990 ZR-1 Corvette capable of going over 200 mph from the factory with the AC on full . It also hold's 3 World Records which no showroom vehicle as ever beaten

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