
Zappa Hour 6 – Hunchentoot & other scripts

Zappa Hour 6 – Hunchentoot & other scripts

#Zappa #Hour #Hunchentoot #scripts

“BOB on Zappa”

Bob Dobbs and guests explore some of Frank Zappa’s scripts, including “Captain Beefheart vs The Grunt People”, Thing-Fish, “Hunchentoot”, and the book Them Or Us. They also probe the broader context of Zappa’s work and how he redefined the role of the composer in the age of electric media.




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  1. 03:16:00 “This spirited steed is not made out metal nor is it made out of 2 bigger ponies…No, it’s cardboard light & easy to work with…”
    Bob, instead of cardboard we have carbon. Regular rockets are metal inorganic.

  2. And then you know reagan takes over for carter… And it's very hawkish and very alienating to every country. That is not already in our pocket… You can tell the true efficacy Of all of our presidents by looking at what they do when out of office.
    After carter left office he brokered peace in the middle east. Why did he to do that? Because everybody everywhere saw him as a fair and honorable man who didn't rattle his saber…. Who didn't assume that everybody that has a turban is the bad guy… And he did it… He brought these people to the table and made peace. Ronnie went out of office and he basically shit his pants… That's to the best of our knowledge… Ronnie just largely dropped crab cakes into his long John's ..

  3. Yea, Reagan was indeed dirty as fudge… Being the president of screen actors guild for a long while, He was basically feeding whoever he wanted to, to the sharks, During the mccarthy era especially .. Reagan was the one that basically talked about everyone and new everyone's political affiliations as he was Privy to such things… And then later for the CIA and the late 60s and early 70s.. He was instrumental in getting the President of I think UCLA To retire out there… From pressure from him and the government… I might be wrong about the college… It's interesting that you look back as early as the mid fifties… A short time after reagan's acting has kind of dried up.. And already he is being groomed for this… He's ready to become the republican perfect president… A guy that stays on script… A guy that's been a network clone for most of his life… Who's had more songs written about him from the anti-establishment? Then just about anybody from that era… And carried that legacy with him into the eighties… Playing dirty pool the whole time…. Debating carter with all of the questions and answers obtain in advance. Arranging for the hostages to not be freed while carter is in office. Anybody ever wonder why the hostages were freed on his first day in office? He had to practically beg them to not let them go until he was in office. They were getting tired of holding all those people. But Reagan with his CIA connections, Was able to tell them what authority that they would be safe if they held the hostages longer.
    I wonder how the individual hostages feel about the fact that Reagan kept them.
    Being held longer… It's always amazing to me how with all these crazy presidents… With the exception of george rose senior who we know was a bag man for the nixon administration… But just about all the other guys work much more dirty. But more than that they were ineffective presidents… The job of president is actually a relatively easy one. You convinced everybody that everything is fine and it can't possibly go wrong. And that's pretty much the case unless that president has some really big aspirations… In which case things could actually become very bad. Well reagan did that… Manage to talk a lot of people into a lot of stupid shit. And we are still reaping the benefits of that missed guided old fart.

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