
Asteroid Mining & Automation Sim With A Drone Army! – A

Asteroid Mining & Automation Sim With A Drone Army! – Astronomics [Demo]

#Asteroid #Mining #Automation #Sim #Drone #Army


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Top-down action and space exploration meet asteroid mining automation! Command a faithful crew of bots and get to work in the asteroid belt. Impress your employer, upgrade your equipment, fight off pirates and…



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  1. Hello! We the devs are watching!! Thank you for sharing our demo! We have heard the message loud and clear and we will be releasing an extended demo this week. More things to build. More things to upgrade. Also you can absolutely move the mining turrets with the gravity tether. The asteroids are randomly generated and there are a couple types of asteroids you can reach within the demo. Appreciate the feedback! I'm sorry you ran into that bug. We have released 12 patches since the demo launch (nearly one everyday) and that specific issue has already been fixed. Really appreciate your patience with that!

  2. sample methodology, with food the sweet spot is 2 bites. you need then to go for a second an want a third. for games the 2 bite anology is probably 2 plays (start ups). you want to player to start up the demo fresh at least twice so that they'll want a third.

  3. The demo is pretty limited, but it does showcase the base gameplay pretty well. If they wind up adding mini-factory elements, being able to jump over buildings would be incredibly convenient. Even without that, jumping over defenses looks nice.

  4. I do thought the same when you coudn't upgrade anything, best demos (this depends on the gameplay) are the one that let you go beyond with the basic, with enough bait to let you know there's more things and different, if the gameplay stale after the normal demo then it's a dead end.

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