
Attempting to SAVE my GPU Mining Farm

Attempting to SAVE my GPU Mining Farm

#Attempting #SAVE #GPU #Mining #Farm

“Modern Mining”

Today I discuss how to find the true profitibility of your crpyto mining farm and how I plan on changing mine to be able to run as long as possible without turning off. GPU mining profits are down bad so this is my last chance to try to improve my mining rigs to keep mining crypto!




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  1. Mining Zil does not imply that you stop mining the main currency and automatically switch to mining zil. It will take a few more minutes to get back to the hash rate levels you had before switching to zil. You should consider a greater number of minutes. To calculate my payments, which are close to 100%, I use an Excel table. In dual+zil mining that I am doing now, the main one is usually at 92% of my hash and the secondary one at 82% of my hash. However, if I mine ERGO the results are even lower. All the best

  2. Once you factor in electricity, equipment and even just minimum wage, you don't even come close to making money while mining. Mining is dead and has been for many years, since the last bull run. It will never come back, everyone needs to cope with that.

  3. People should realise that mining is long term. Not days, not months. Probably years but you need to keep adding to your farm daily / weekly / monthly as well. Mine for 12 months solid then see what's in your wallet / exchange wallet after 6-12 months. Cash out what you need get a bitcoin mastercard to spend profits as you need. Mining is not the case for a quick dollar over night. 🙂

  4. I think we do need to take a cold hard look at ping, and then I think we should look at a couple calculations to figure it out; block reward x blocks per day = total daily block emissions, then you take your percentage of the total network hashrate and multiply it by the daily emission. Then you have to take away the percentage the pool takes, 0.9% @ HeroMiners, and whatever your mining software takes. BzMiner is 2%. If you expect 14 coins per day, minus 2.9% = 13.594 coins per day. If you do it manually or by virtue with a spreadsheet, it doesn't even matter what the sites suggest your hashrate should be or how ping comes into it. You'll know down to the penny. Only you know your exact hashrates. If total network hashrate fluctuates from block to block which is exactly 720 times per day on Dynex, I can see it being a smidge lower than 13.59. Then, there could also be a bunch of rounding happening when looking at these numbers on websites, that's why I calculate my percentage of the total network hashrate myself on a spreadsheet. I would get it right from the source too, I wouldn't get it from 3rd party websites, because they might not update their numbers every 120 seconds. Use an API if you know how. You seem pretty intelligent and I think you could easily figure it out. It's just a numbers game. Some guys are good at tuning, some guys are good at keeping up with economic or social trends. My favorite part is figuring out how it all works and I enjoy buying and selling hardware. I also saw some of the other comments recommending HiveOs, but Hiveon started charging me like .02 to .5 per rig per day or something, so I switched all my miners to Debian Linux with no GUI. I'm not sure about all of the other Linux distros, but I think I read somewhere that it consumes less resources than Windows. I've never really tested it though. Another thing I want to tell you is please don't get frustrated. Your videos are great. I enjoy watching the journey. I think that the good coins will go up and it won't even matter as long as you HODL.

  5. Im quite exited, like you said dificulty will go down as more rigs come offline, I can only run a small rig of a couple GPU's but they run completely off an idependant solar system so I can mine as long as the sun shines, therefore profit isn't an issue and my rigs will be online for a long time to come.

  6. I solo mine on zergpool and get paid out in LTC. Keeps everything a lot simpler for me. Not for everyone but I have over 100 GPUs mostly p106-100s so makes sense for me

  7. If your powering your rigs down when you near electricity cost – you're doing it wrong. Electricity cost only matters if you are selling 100% of your earnings per day to cover 100% of your electricity costs. And if you are doing that then you are really doing it wrong. HODL!!!

  8. you are mining wrong, you are mining wrong coins or the most difficult coins. This month being my best month of the year. The Gpu mining is no longer like Eth days its more about finding (speculative) coins. You wont earn much just jumping from coin to coin keep chasing profits. Otherwise small miners like you have no chance.

  9. bro i can give u tips how to be profitable :D.Before month i set up my mining shelter with solara system 6.6kw h and all cost for the system was aroud 2000dolars with cable hybrid inverter panels evryting even battery.So even u are on 0 with the electric bill u can mine only in the day and chill in the night.And the most important to hold what u mine.Thats the way i believe .

  10. U need what 1 more card each rig … are there any extra m.2 slots ?? Get two m.2 – usb adapter or x1 pcie slot … just seat it right into the m.2 slot if available… or get the x1 – 4/usb splitter im sure you can squeeze those cards in with out selling them yet

  11. I have been mining for 7–8 years. Sorry to say, GPU mining is pretty much dead to all the people that have just gotten into it. You will most likely never achieve ROI, even if BTC goes to $200,000 and if you are mining all the shitcoins. You are just throwing your money away.(:

  12. Its really about difficulties. Some calculators use a static difficulty API that pings once a day. Some calculators have a difficulty adjustment every so many minutes or hours. The calculator will change results every page refresh. Sometimes the block rewards are wrong or are not updated. That happened mining all the x11 algos back in jan feb. Its important to use multiple calculators as an esitmate.

    As you level up as a miner. The next step is to go poolside and track down addresses to see their poolside rewards. Then use that to calculate your own.

  13. I use 450 Watts/rig on all my 8 GPU server boxes simply for the motherboard, CPU, fans, etc. That does not include the video cards themselves. After factoring the extra power in for the internal components, I also agree that these mining calculators are inaccurate if you are simply searching for profitability by GPU per kWh.

  14. Yo Jack, great video! I know that everyone talks about how is always off, but I appreciate you taking the time to really break it down, as well as show how you calculate your exact profitability. 10/10 man, keep ‘em coming!

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