




Wow, it has been a while since I uploaded here. 7 months here have a video comparison of my favorite spicy song ever. Blurring took way too long. Lego did great on this.

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  1. ecstasy is not a cuss word it means an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement. campfire willy, thong, and whip, are also not cuss words. and why is "i tied you up" cencorsed?

  2. Baldi song Lyrics:
    Hi, Im baldi, nice to meet ya! kick me in the back and you'll get a headstart! Books your game just shout my name, When you let me use my stick, So, that's one book right, but you're all wrong! You haven't even let me sing my song! You're taking too long, so i'll ding dong! To the door i open on you.. Here's a tip, abandon ship! or you're gonna see my campfire Gear! Oh, Oh, Oh hi there! welcome to my problem palace! Oh, Oh, Oh hi there! please don't leave… i have no friends, Oh, Oh, Oh hi there! Let's go camping! Let me catch ya! Oh, Oh, Oh hi there! Haha! i got ya now! spins "You're Mine!" Every boy and girl come dance around, let's get a party started! Get the bully's goods and a skipping rope, We'll fill your present with it! Gonna make it rain Coca-Cola! Gonna send you right back to detention, Pay attention to what i mention, With sixteen bits of dodgy tension! You cry you get a lecture, You're wrong i'll speed up faster, I rigged this for my pleasure, in this classroom i'm the master! O-ooooooooooo! I'm gonna make you scared of me! O-oooooooooo! HIT, Running through the halls SLOW DOWN, Shouting noises that sound like SLAP YOU BALDI (repeat 3 times) Epic Music … HIT, Running through the halls SLOW DOWN, Shouting noises that sound like SLAP YOU BALDI (repeat 3 times) Rats! you got away! sigh Oh, well! Come back soon!

  3. “You cry i just hit harder” ur wrong I’ll speed up faster” “In this classroom I’m the master” That doesn’t sound right…. Like what do you mean in the classroom😳😳😳😳😳

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