
Did you know #mining for #lithium is often referred to

Did you know #mining for #lithium is often referred to as mining for “white gold”? #batteries

#mining #lithium #referred

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  1. It's a pity that gas takes loads of water to extract and refine it yet you can only use it once, well, I say pity because most of the negative comments on here disregard that inconvenient truth.

  2. Just so everyone is aware, the lithium is just a very small portion of the metals needed to make a "lithium" battery, you have to process over 500,000 pounds of ore to get enough metals to produce just one tesla battery

  3. Whenever someone says LI batteries are a "greener choice" I point to this and remind them that it's as bad as using a gas car. There is almost no such thing as a green way to get around. Except bikes.

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