
GPU Fatality: What mining does to your GPU ⚰️🖥️

GPU Fatality: What mining does to your GPU ⚰️🖥️

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  1. Been saying it since the beginning people saying mining wont hurt anything unless have it underclocked undervolted bla bla never buy a mining gpu folks let them all sit.

  2. I guess there's mining and there's mining to death. I have a RX580 that I bought as a ex-mining card from a hobbyist miner, used it my PC for a while, then I mined on it for about 15 months 24/7 and now it sits in my spare PC still working absolutely fine. If you mine sensibly then the risk is definitely reduced

  3. I see alots of miners doing damage control and defending mining doing nothing to gpu
    Your money made out of mining was unethical. You can try to defend it as much as you want but deep down , your concousness is not ok with it
    You are convincing yourselves, not us 🤷‍♂️

  4. Yeah. I think Nvidia and 3000 series not capable of memory undervolting. When I was Ethereum mining with AMD cards, I actually undervolted memory to the minimum available voltage setting. I think the reason it works best that way because memory does not have active cooling. While some memory chips are padded to the GPU cooler, the GPU actually adds heat or does not help much to cool memory.

  5. It´s not only mining, is mining in the worst card with the worst oily pads available in the market, i have one mining but with new quality thermal pads and paste since day one, they literally drop oil out of the card with the stock ones.

  6. Yeah, this potential result is why when I played around with mining at all, I kept things just a tad slower to keep the temps down. You lose on the hashrate, but that gpu still works today… 8+ years later. And it did well enough on its own to help buy some steam games people were trading for dogecoin at the time. Got a nice list of them. Paid the card off in its own way, sorta.

    An undervolt here, fan speed increase there, extra airflow across the cards in general… all of them go a long way to perserving a card longer.

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