
How do I Power and Setup my Bitcoin Miners at home

How do I Power and Setup my Bitcoin Miners at home going into 2024?

#Power #Setup #Bitcoin #Miners #home

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  1. You are very mistaken when you think that a 15A socket cannot be used for an ASIC. You probably forgot or don’t know that amperes depend on the network voltage. That is, if you hang a load of 1800 watts on 120V, it will be exactly 15A BUT if you hang a load of 1800 watts on the same socket BUT with 240 watts then it will be 7.5-8A. Everything works, you just need to connect 2 phases to this outlet and everything works fine 24/7 with a 12awg cable, but with 10awg it will be better. So learn the materiel)))

  2. when it comes to hosting, i'm thankful i can just host my miners with the guy which i bought my ASICs from, however since its in the netherlands, costs per kwh are 17ct, then again, far lower than the usual residential cost of 40+ct/kwh

  3. Just got my 1st asic to do some test, it's an Antminer S9, no idea why but when I scan it with ip scanner, on the left side the monitor is black, but on your screen it's blue, is it because of my router or there is an issue with the miner itself, anybody have an idea ?? thanks

  4. If I ever got a big boi asic, i'd have it shipped directly to hosting company so I only pay for shipping one time. Have to figure in additional costs baked into hosting company, setup fee or whatever they want to call it. it's not just flat .08 electrical rate. if you have to pay $100 per unit to have hosted, that can factor into the decision to have it hosted.

  5. Does ViaBTC provide some sort of tax reporting summary for the year? Also, is there a DARK mode on the web GUI somewhere? Im not finding it.

  6. You know what going to spark this bullrun? It going to be massive adoption due to all the big players getting into AOH500X because people are afraid to dip their toe into something like that not adopted by big players like BlackRock ,

  7. I would host as my electric is very expensive. You need to figure all of their fees. When you do that, it brings the total "all-in" much higher. Last I looked, its equivalent to 0.35 $ KwH USD. Might be a good video comparing the all in prices.

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