
I Built a Refining Tank to Finally Solve Our Mining

I Built a Refining Tank to Finally Solve Our Mining Problems! (Crashlander Survival Mod 25)

#Built #Refining #Tank #Finally #Solve #Mining

“kAN Gaming”

Today we’re back with more Crashlander! In this episode we finally build a refining vehicle to go mining and collect resources much quicker than before!


Crashlander Team: TerranTerr,…



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  1. Someone probably already mentioned this, but you can increase the steering with a suspension glitch by changing the steering speed on the bearings connected to the seat. So maybe if you increase the speed it makes it turn faster. Might not be a whole lot but could work

  2. Just a reminder KAN: Both the HQ and the MINE are repurposed warehouse interiors. So on a system level, "x doesn't work in here", you have to frame it in your head as "the base game doesn't have X work in warehouses?!"

    You get it, my B.

  3. Hey kAN, always enjoy your Scrap Mechanic videos. You've put 2 collectors and 1 refiner into this build, but I always found that 1 collector and 2 refiners works much better. A little pipework to put everything into 1 chest and the 2 refiners can keep up with even a fast miner. 🙂

  4. Kan you can use the compact computer to set up a WASD converter for tank steering you will have Four compact computers one for each input of WASD and avoid using buttons for steering controls.

  5. I guess SM was very lucky getting several glow crawlers carrying component kits, while kAN gets 0 xD

    Like it seemed like a decent supplement to getting components kits, by farming glow crawlers, from SM's video, not so much from kAN's xD

  6. Kan, you need to give the large drill a chance. The large drill is fantastic at quickly bringing down large rock nodes while also easily breaking apart any broken pieces that come near it! I haven't tried the explosive drill yet , so I have no clue how good it is, but if you make sure that the front of your vehicle is completely covered by the large drill(s) it'll mow down rock nodes like grass!

  7. I'm glad I've written my comment a dozen times telling kAN that you need to reload the game for the collectors to work…
    also cool from the devs that they introduced a lot of new bugs but haven't fixed any issues

  8. It looks like the Glow Crawlers have a more yellow glow than the torches (at least in YouTube compression land) so that could be a way to differentiate them from a distance.

  9. I hope that when (if) chapter 2 comes out, axolot releases the trailer to their youtube channel and it begins with a rickroll but with the axolot logo over Rick Astley's face

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