
I Turned an OLD PC into a Bitcoin Mining Rig

I Turned an OLD PC into a Bitcoin Mining Rig

#Turned #Bitcoin #Mining #Rig

“Modern Mining”

Turning an OLD Junk PC into a profitable crypto mining rig that mines bitcoin with Kryptex pool. GOU mining is very versatile and can be used to mine bitcoin as well as other crypto currencies. It is extremely easy to make a budget GPU mining rig with old parts laying around your house. How to…



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  1. The Nano 3 still has a place in the market as a lottery miner. Unlike this video it is actually mining SHA256 algo so you have a chance of hitting a 120k block… every 3,000 years!

  2. Whats the point of this? Youre comparing mining to a pool vs the avalon solo miner which is a lottery play?

    You actually advise people to do this? This is no way profitable.

    140-150w total at the wall with CPU/Motherboard/GPU. You're losing 10c day at 10KWH(which is low most pay more!) youll losing $30 a year after a couple hundred dollar investment? Ouch. People better off buying the coin….

  3. just get a sheet of plywood and gently screw 4 risers onto the board. run cables from pc to the risers. run your favorite miner software. mine. profit…

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