
IGO’s Implosion a REAL Initiation for Ivan | Daily

IGO’s Implosion a REAL Initiation for Ivan | Daily Mining Show

#IGOs #Implosion #REAL #Initiation #Ivan #Daily

“Money of Mine”

There was no shortage of news to dissect on the final day of the quarter, with IGO grabbing the headlines by turning off Cosmos, amongst other challenges.

We added another layer to the Kali Metals (KM1) story, which isn’t short on drama, before touching on Liontown’s (LTR) quarterly then…



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  1. Looking at the direct mining, milling and G&A for Forrest was about $400/ore tonne and Nova was $150/tonne. How much are jumbo operators costing these days?

  2. Great but appalling review of North America lithium. But there is no market because there are NO processors building Lithium Hydroxide refineries except Tesla. It’s a disgrace. American hype and hot air. Most disappointing.

  3. Great report fellows, lucky I did not have to read anything as I cannot see through my tears. In regard to Kwinana, I have no faith in Albemarle actually knowing how to refine Spodumene. All the expertise now resides in China and it took the Chinese 20 years to get this process right. Thanks Scott Morrison and you dead shit Neo Liberals attempting to give China a black eye. The only one hit with your deadshit politics is us in Australia. When will we learn.

  4. How much of a shit show are ASX commodity companies right now? I’ve been investing in the space for ten years and I honestly can’t think of one company I would like to own at current prices. I’d love to own Capricorn/Emerald but I’m not paying that price. Maybe MinRes is the only one that comes to mind if they execute iron ore this year and prices stay up.

  5. Great ep, boys, and what a ripper new supporter. They certainly are the future, and an absolute game-changer. And as for IGO – I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  6. Good work lads. Note that Piedmont will be supplying SC6 from NAL (Sayona 75% / Piedmont 25%) to Tesla for its Corpus Christi hydroxide plant, through its agreement with Sayona. That supply should start sometime this year if it hasn't already. No idea of the implications of breaking that contract but it might be messy, so maybe they have no choice but to wear the loss for now.

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