
I’m wanting to buy more GPUs for mining…

I’m wanting to buy more GPUs for mining…

#wanting #buy #GPUs #mining..

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  1. Hello everyone, im a begginer miner and want to get really into it, but my eletricity cost is huge (at 0.3$). Is there some budget friendly GPU or ASIC that can profit from this eletricity price?

  2. I think you should fill one rig with Intel A750’s or A770’s. They are starting to get more support and they are super cheap. I think they will be even more efficient once Hive optimizes them more.

  3. With out any offense, you have 300+ Gpus lots of them not mining. Give your self some break, relax, take 4 day break from YouTube and build those rigs. If I don’t rush I can make 2-3 rigs a day easy. In 3-4-5 day you can get up 60-80 Gpus every week.
    I would go with 6600 or 3070. But I would rather buy CPUs, makes way more sense and money.
    When you have 300+ Gpus running, you will see do you have enough time and strength to run more of them.
    Be good ❤

  4. I'm literally buying everything above a 1660 super if I can get a really good deal. Been collecting 1660 supers for 75, I got 6 2060 supers last month for 600, going get 5 3070s this week for 1200. My plan is to run them till later this year/early next year and dump everything below a 3070, then buy up as many 40 or 50 series I can for the bear market.

  5. Like you said in the beginning of the video "I got it all", but yeah when the gpu addiction kicks in with sweat and hunger for more gpus, I am leaning toward the 6600 and 6600 xt, great on the kawpow algo, think 6600 is around 15 and the xt is around 17 mhs, if I remember it correctly. Btw you should try the Intel arc 750 great prices and decent hashrate, would make for a good content as well.

  6. 🐼 Why are you looking/asking us what gpus you should buy when you have those just bought sitting on the floor, you have many cards not in a rig or in a rig but not on. So use what you got and if not gonna use it then sell/give-away and then if still have room for cards in cases/rigs see about getting them filled (As long as you can cover cost to run) Also good luck with the re-padding and pasting of those cards.

  7. Got to disagree with you panda, personally im FINISHED buying 30 series, as well as rnda 2 unless someone gives me the deal of a lifetime, and I will be focusing solely on 40 series, actually releasing a video today talking about why, the 30series is starting to drop in price, but at this point so is the 40 series and it doesn't make sense to buy the 30 series over the 40 series right now. Especially for me as I run out of power in my mining shed

  8. You should buy 4060 ti 16gb cards. They don't cost much more than the best 3070 cards used and 16gb of vram will make them viable for mining long term and make them more desirable for gaming in the long term if you decide to resell them later. Plus you get a manufacturer warranty with the 4060 ti 16gb

  9. If strictly mining only, last/older gen gpus are definitely a better value. I think current/newer gen only makes sense if you're also planning to game on them or experiment with POUW/AI setups.

  10. i think you should buy 3070, 6600xt, 6600 or rtx A2000 because i personaly think that the 4000 series is to expensive and the 7000 series are not are strong as we espected. Personaly i have a preference for the rtx A2000 and the 6600, 6600xt

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