
Is Prospector Mining in Star Citizen 3.22 Good Again??!

Is Prospector Mining in Star Citizen 3.22 Good Again??! Money Making Guide

#Prospector #Mining #Star #Citizen #Good

“Hawkes Gaming”

Is prospector mining in Star Citizen 3.22 good again finally? If you own a prospector this Star Citizen money making guide is for you! The mole rebalance a few patches back really made prospector mining in Star Citizen very hard. In this video I take the prospector out mining at one of the best…



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  1. I just do mining now to chill and have some fun with the laser minigame, for money its not worth thou…. things need rebalance badly….. but i get it, they push the money to every feature they need tested so the herd goes to produce data.

  2. Hawkes i'll be honest man, i've been mining since patch 3.17, however in 3.22 I finally gave up from prospector for the vulture (for now). I will always continue watch your videos as always, hopefully mining changes in the future, thanks my dude. 🙌

  3. @Hawks Merry Christmas and Happy new year to you and your family, I hope it was safe and peaceful. Yes mining is still nerfed pretty hard. At least there is some functional parts to it. The refineries are overloaded and the wait times are rough, especially the refining fee over charging. I assume CIG is doing this – deleting money through fees and time to promote self refining once that finally comes out, hopefully that will remove the constant overloaded status at Refinery stations.

    Hangars could be great, an actual home until they also release Habitations. Being able to properly manage ships and inventory is a much needed change. : )

  4. It certainly isnt the golden days of the Prospector anymore, but it is nice to see the devs are addressing the issue and at least trying to make the Prospector a viable solution for mining again. For most of 2023 Prospector was a waste.

  5. Doing Salvaging Wreck Clean Up runs is less frustrating and you are guaranteed 80k per wreck, each taking about 5 minutes. I think my Prospector will be sold off for spares as soon as we can do that.

  6. im looking forward to the day we can park the ship on a node and get a coffee while we let it mine away at a big node, maybe get a few lads on the same underground node (non-coop rocks so they dont overheat, not that a node the size of a building would ever overhead)

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