
Lithium mining for EV batteries threatens WATER

Lithium mining for EV batteries threatens WATER supplies | MGUY Australia

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  1. It's starting look like net zero CO2 is actually a zero sum game, where the externalities of moving away from hydrocarbons, wherever they occur in the world, cancelling out the stated benefits.

  2. If they were fair dinkum they would be planting billions of extra trees, but no. They bulldoze millions after millions to clear land for solar and wind 'farms', followed by more for transmission lines.

  3. What is the projected number of EV batteries that will ultimately be left produced but unsold in the coming 20 years? Will it be in the millions?
    Will they be stackable to the moon? No one will want them, as the EV push will eventually reach a point where the whole narrative just collapses.

  4. This is 200% the fault of world politicians allowing themselves to be bribed by the WEF, and then going full steam ahead without the slightest idea what they were doing, what the costs would be, whether their goals were even achievable and so much more. Calling them stupid is being kind. They are TRAITORS to their citizens. Should all be arrested and charged, and jailed for at least 20 years. Their action goes way beyond even being called incompetent. The PEOPLE of the world, must ACT. Otherwise their lives and standard of living will gradually vanish before their eyes. All for no reason at all. And certainly NOT because of climate change. Introducing EVs is NOT about climate change. IT is ultimately all about making cars so expensive that no one can afford the many more. The WEF do not want anyone travelling, at all.

  5. I drove through Silver Peak about 20 years ago. There is not much human presence out there besides the lithium operation.

    6.5 billion gallons per year? That's 20,000 acre-feet, and I can't imagine there is anything like that in yearly recharge into that basin. The groundwater is mostly emplaced from the last glacial period melt, that is, it's fossil water. And the lithium operation is essentially mining it.

    Now there is probably a lot of groundwater, mostly deep and, on average, too highly mineralized to drink. Pumping could go on for many years before the operation is affected. What that depletion would do to the basin surface, I don't know. My opinion is not a whole lot – the surface is affected almost only by the annual precipitation.

    I'm not a hydrologist, but I can do some numbers. I'm estimating the basin is about 250,000 acres. 20,000 acre-feet would make a layer about 1 inch deep. Well, that area surely gets more than one inch of precipitation per year, right? No doubt, but almost all that hits the ground either evaporates or transpires back to the air through plants. It doesn't make the journey through hundreds of feet of soil to join the water table. I'm betting the recharge is only a few thousands of acre-feet.

  6. Not to worry about the need to hugely beef up mining. They really are not planning on us all getting EVs. It is about getting the ICE vehicle manufacturing industry eliminated and afterwards saying 'EV? Sorry we are out.'

  7. Well eventually and hope it doesn't happen after it is to late the American public are going to revolt over this because if they lose their drinking water and irrigation water there is going to be hell to pay because water in some aqua furs are almost gone in some places already just from farming, the American public especially the ones that don't believe in EVs are going to be pissed.

  8. Good news! The price of Nickel and Cobalt have crashed. Nickel mines closing.

    Lithium ion batteries are about 95% Nickel/Cobalt.

    Lithium carbonate price plunged 80%. There is a glut on the market. Forecast volumes are not being sold.

    … Somebodies not making batteries anymore.

  9. Yeah but those pushing this green agenda don't care how many people become ill or die, how many species are decimated or how much of the environment is destroyed as long as they can "save" the planet, in other words make profits and enslave the surviving population.

  10. They use evaporation. There are other methods for liquid pumped lithium that don't use so much water and there are hard rock mounts as well which are more traditional that use tumblers etc… I'm not s fan of the green crap but this is a bit of cherry picking..

  11. That mining law from 1872 has been has been changed many, many times over the last 150 years. It is not even close to the same law as when it was introduced back in 1872. Plus there are other laws on the books that come into play too. Don't kid yourself about this, if anything you need to pay attention too, is someone trying to get permit waivers and other tricks.

  12. Worst part is that people are believing in this whole EV marketing and considering themselves as environmentalists just because they bought an EV.

  13. Getting rid of oil, coal and gas, requires 100x the mining, and mineral processing intensity, that currently exists.
    Also, a geological expert, a professor in Europe, has studied the planet's mineral reserves. We literally have thousands of years of oil, coal and gas, BUT we have less than one generation of Lithium reserves! There isn't enough Lithium to replace the existing passenger car fleet!!!

  14. EV Cultists: “but EVs are green energy”

    Me: “they are, if you ignore the cobalt mines in Africa or the lithium mines in China, and the processes & environmental toll it takes to get them”

  15. Elon is currently running ads on YT, insisting on viewers becoming Li-mining investors here in the U.S. My guess would be to facilitate the manufacture of more Teslas, something he believes we all need and the 'smart' people would invest heavily in, if they were savvy. I also figure that YT is hitting me with the ads, because I watch a large amount of automotive content, although none of which is in support of EVs, mind you. I am an independent auto service business owner/operator, and I refuse to even allow the fiery death-traps on my property. EVs are everything wrong with today's auto industry, from the fraud of transportation, to the scam of 'climate change' being used to peddle the damn things!
    Adolf Hitler and the Nazis failed to triumph in WW2 for many reasons, but, one of the biggest was Hitler's obsession with the technology-laden wonder weapons which were absolutely beyond his economic reach, especially fighting a 2-front war.
    The same is true of peace-time economics, we need more of what works for the most amount of people, not a wonder-car that has a finite use and is beyond being capable of being supported by our economic infrastructure. Elon is becoming a megalomaniac fixated on expending his 'greatness', not improving the quality of people's lives on a rational scale.

  16. Funny that the left wing Pro EV media hasn’t been too interested in this.I have seen many times video of (probably fake)flaming tap water “near fracking “operations Especially on Canada’s CBC.

  17. It's mind boggling that the least competent/qualified people to make policy on this half assed "green energy" program….are making policy on this half assed green energy policy.

  18. China is now the main producer of lithium vehicles. Western governments are now legislating for lithium vehicles. The western middle class is not buying lithium vehicles as their governments decree. What's going on here?

  19. Meanwhile, scientists from the Let's-Take-a-Guess School of Climatology say they need a new Category 6 for hurricanes, arguing that Category 5, which covers storms with maximum wind speeds of 157 miles per hour or higher, is inadequate in the face of climate change (I'm not sure what part of "or higher" they don't understand). But hey, this will give them another great tool for scaring the crap out of people who are gullible enough to believe the lie that hurricanes are growing in frequency and intensity.

  20. Canada again to the rescue — we'll never build more lithium mines cuz it takes 20 years or more to get a permit for any kind of mine or other infrastructure project under the Turdo gov. Yer welcome, eh?

  21. Anybody with a technological / science education knew all this and how monumentally stupid it is well before they started. It is so disgusting that so many supposed "experts" have chosen to LIE and misrepresent the facts. They all need to be named, shamed and stand trial for the damage they have done.

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