
Making Passive Income On CPU mining.

Making Passive Income On CPU mining.

#Making #Passive #Income #CPU #mining

“Nerd Things And More”


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  1. Quick breakdown of why people hate
    1. Cant take a joke
    2. You dont use a gpu (usually made on a smaller and more power efficient process node, therefore less net profit margin) and they are better at parallelized operations qhich are better suited to mining.
    3. You call everyone a 9 to 5 person who disagrees with you
    4. Annoying voice, condescension makes you sound like an egotistical person or the lower end of the dunning kruger effect's bimodal distribution
    Yea i get it, you run on solar energy, but if you keep expanding your rig setup on a energy inefficient solution on a basically dead method of mining, the cost of expanding in solar and rigs will be higher than the revenue from the rigs themselves.

  2. That lowkey looks boss keep your grind on going don’t stop the momentum the sky is the limit you got this you’ll make a difference soon and have the gains your after DONT GIVE UP πŸ’ͺ

  3. Well i can already tell you havent accounted for the power bill for one. Also if your mineing some shit alt coin it wont even clear the power bill. And ik for a fact your not on a bitcoin block chain with that asss cheap o hardwear. . . Lol stop being broke and go buy a fucking gpu man. You dont need anytjing crazy, you can beat the output you have right there woth 4 1080 ti. And the same or less power consumption. Your gona go broke

  4. Anybody worth their salt can see through this. The ROI for that amount of miners will still equate to less than that of a 9-5 job, and significantly less than a white-collar job at that.

    You'd be better off renting that swarm for bigger payouts, but judging by the way you're bashing on a 9-5 job while simultaneously stating "Making Passive Income On CPU mining."….. (I don't need to go on, you know what you're doing)

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