
Max Mining Build to Clean Out the Map | Deep Rock

Max Mining Build to Clean Out the Map | Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor

#Max #Mining #Build #Clean #Map #Deep #Rock

“Idle cub”

Engineer Maintenance Worker LMG Gun Platform Plasma Mining Karakatoa Sentinel Mining

DEEP ROCK GALACTIC: SURVIVOR is a single player survivor-like auto-shooter. Wield the full arsenal of Deep Rock Galactic, take on hordes of lethal aliens, mine riches, and unlock powerful upgrades. It’s one…



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  1. I would like to see you run this one back…you got dumpstered with the choices stage one and no scanner on level 1 or 2 should be a restart…I feel this could be so strong if it gets going early.

    Edit: Ah…you restarted right after I paused to give this input. Great minds and all that….thanks for doing this build I have been wondering if it would be fun/great.

  2. I remember when the game was still in "demo" on the final stage, the eggs wouldn't hatch on their own, so you could just keep farming XP then attack the eggs when you were ready to fight the dreadnought.

  3. You are right about the Projectile/Kinetic Fire Rate.
    Probably the only good reason to go Deepcore GK2 as your fourth weapon.
    The eventual Fire Rate on the Turrets gets so high it annihilates everything before it even steps foot on the map! 😆
    Seismic Repulsors are a great 2nd pick and Shocking Turrets is a perfect 3rd (what with the possibility of 'damage to walls' on the Repulsor as an option, and the magnet on the Shockers).
    Ending with a Medium, man-portable, under-levelled, possible knockback, personal bug hose (as it is at lv.6 with all that Fire Rate) seemed logical to me. 🫡

  4. BTW, I've done this challenge by myself as well, with the stage1 nitra scanner as well, and if you are doing this again, you gotta know to ALWAYS spawning the turret ASAP. I think you are wasting too much reload stacks of the torrent because you don't stand still at all while mining by yourself.

  5. I've been waiting for someone to get the dream run, fire and LMG turret with mining + scanner on the first floor and seeing how crazy it scales. Excited to see this on Salt pits!

  6. I believe you were thinking about the damage wrong. More damage means enemies die faster, yes, but it also means that the turrets have more time to shoot a walls because no enemies are present to shoot at. Kill the enemies quickly so the turrets can mine.

  7. You need to step pressing the move buttons, when mining, to get maximum out of your turret placement. If you just hold the forward button it only puts turret down on reload and not the stacks you have.

  8. Mining the Stage every single day! Mining the Stage for the right to Play! Gold and Gems in my brain! I'm Mining for the Shop, cause i'm Here to stay!!

    Mining, Mining, Mining the Stage!! …..

  9. Devs need to change the weapon pick reload option so that you can't get the same weapon choice again. Crazy that you couldn't get the flame turret after 5 rerolls. Cost you all your gold.

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