
Mining this coin has been better than Kaspa!! (Here’s

Mining this coin has been better than Kaspa!! (Here’s how to mine Zephyr on Windows & HiveOS)

#Mining #coin #Kaspa #Heres

“Sebs FinTech Channel”

In this video I give you an ultimate guide on how to CPU mine Zephyr protocol on your computer or CPU mining rig. Zephyr coin is a new CPU mineable coin and in this video I go through what you need to mine it, how to mine it in both Windows & HiveOS, how to track your mining earnings and how to…



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  1. Sorry I know my audio was a bit messed up in this video, I hope it wasn't too bad! Thanks for watching and please check out Herominers as they made this guide possible by sponsoring the video! What do you guys think about Zephyr by the way? Good coin? Are you mining it?

  2. Is there a video (by any creator) which goes over how to isolate the network for a wallet so it doesn't risk other crypto wallets or private network? I currently use VM's, but im not a network engineer so I don't know best practices around keeping the wallets isolated properly.

  3. I'll give this a go. I'll try the budget option and see if I can see any parts on deals on black friday on market places. Any recommendations on a CPU cooler?

  4. for me wouldnt call zeph a new
    but when i mine new coin "specially a couple days old" i use xegge
    i know its an exchange but it protect me from any malware and easier to liquidate
    and it happened about two months ago with FLMN took it a week to rugpull

  5. Hi seb, been following your channel for a long time. Was waiting for this video. I have followed mining to windows version of the video. The hero miners pool has made the payment. But its not showing in my wallet. Ia there a specific reason for this ? How long does it take to reach the wallet ? Thanks in advance.

  6. Thank you for the video! Had my .bat files already created from an earlier adventure so just moved from BabaCoin to Zephyr for a bit. (had all my babacoin stolen 13 million from another coin wallet scam)

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