
Mining week day 7 a geologists role  #geology #mining

Mining week day 7 a geologists role  #geology #mining #didyouknow

#Mining #week #day #geologists #role #geology #mining

“Elley Knows Rocks”



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  1. I like how climate activists like to get all mad about mining without realizing where the materials for their "zero carbon" electric car, scooter or e-bike came from.
    Thank you for your hard work and dedication in keeping the world going.

  2. Go down to Chloride AZ, theyvwere drilling for over a year and found a super rich silver vein. We were just moving away when they found it.
    Chloride had some of the richest silver ore there was in the south west. It's only 4 miles from Mineral Park.
    If you want to find some serious silver go look up Chloride AZ and check out the geology. Look between the Chloride and Grasshopper faults, lots of gossens and out croppings.

  3. Sorry. I unsubscribe. I live in the CO-Rockies. There are so many mountains being mined. Destroying the beautiful area. So many lives are affected in such a negative way that it is out-weighing what possible good that might come from the removal of tons of mountain sides. Wildlife habitats are gone.
    You are good at describing your talent. Thanks for sharing.
    ….be well…

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