
Mining Zombies | DeceasedCraft Ep. 18

Mining Zombies | DeceasedCraft Ep. 18

#Mining #Zombies #DeceasedCraft

“CaptainSparklez 2”

DeceasedCraft is a Minecraft mod pack in which we must survive a zombie apocalypse while searching for a cure.
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  1. 2 to 3 days of free time and managed to reach the latest (i know there's 2 not yet available and might be more but i caught up here at least), gotta ask though the new enchants here like L-reclaim still works right? Has he tried using the mutated bane enchantment yet? (i think i saw it in multiple episodes when he trades in villager apprentice)It might work similarly to bane of anthropods/arthropod? Also how bout puting another line of barb wires on the other side of the moat so that it can damage and slow them down so you can shoot more accurately on those you want to target like the miners?

  2. I think Jordan's series is kind of a godsend to the Deceasedcraft Modpack maker. Dude is literally being served every problem and bug on a silver platter. Long live Jardoon Cheeserson!

  3. Loving this videos so far, just a suggestion to speed up emptying the backpack and going back to the wasteland, make another 2 backpacks with the essential stuff and upgrades so, you just switch them, or, leave at least one in the car, if it can carry them, so you don't have to go all the way back to the base, or, make an outpost near the wasteland, just to drop loot.

  4. Captain when are you going to get promoted? You should be at least LieutenantColonelSparklez by now. Or if were going by Navy ranks, RearAdmiralSparklez.

  5. As a player of this mod pack myself, I’ve found the jet pack plus rpg-7 combo is a particularly effective tool for taking out incoming hordes or groups of zombies. With the most recent RPG buff from 100 to 150 damage, the splash can easily take out a dozen zombies in one shot and with the l_reclaim enchant sometimes you can rapid fire rockets, once I fired like 5 rpgs in a row because of it.

  6. I hope Cap gets into all the IE and Create stuff. With the free mats everywhere and the premade train tracks, factory building has been refreshingly fun in this pack compared to the usual resource grind

  7. 44:27

    This is just how I play but you’re not gonna spend probably not going to spend 30 minutes to 1 hour fishing but fish, I got a max level fishing rod from fishing and the fishing rod I was using had zero enchants on it

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