
Norway approves seabed mining

Norway approves seabed mining

#Norway #approves #seabed #mining

“Down To Earth”

The smartphones, laptops and other gadgets that we use on a daily basis are essentially made of some rare metals. These are being exploitatively mined in different parts of the world but the appetite for these resources remains insatiable. The world has now turned towards the resources available…



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  1. After exhausting the land, now the corporations have started sipping the waters. Definitely they'll destroy the marine ecosystems and put the blame on common people consuming marine resources. Clown Planet 🤡

  2. I am Norwegian and have just been to India twice in the last 4 months. Now it is the case that these areas do not have the significance that some people think. It is a small area to be investigated. Moreover, it is always the Norwegian state, the people and the state that will own the resources and not any mining company – the action is the same as we do with our hydropower and with the oil. Nobody owns the oil fields we produce oil in – only the Norwegian people. We don't spend the money either – it is saved for the next generation. Environmental activists can attack Norway in all areas because we are 100% transparent and here nothing is kept hidden. But it cannot be done in other countries. Can you criticize Arab countries? No. Do you dare criticize Russia? No – then you end up in prison. We produce the purest oil and gas in the world and transport it through pipe systems without the use of ships. We sell hydropower through 17 cables to other countries – with absolutely no emissions whatsoever. If you live in India – then I am convinced that you have the same opinion as me – here it is necessary to clean up all the pollution. Forget the temporary lack of snow in the north – it will return – but the pollution in Delhi and Mumbai – not to mention the lack of sanitation and clean-up along beaches and a stop to the discharge of polluted water. Forget Norway if you are someone who wants to look after nature – we have the world's cleanest country in every way and here you can drink tap water all over the country and have what you have used cleaned. Here you will also find one of the world's largest and absolutely cleanest aluminum production facilities.

  3. Respect nature!! Stop over exploiting nature. Shame on Norwegian parliamentarians. Is there any linkage between the rampant earthquakes and the abrupt landand sea mining, deep sea drilling??

  4. Honestly as much as I love the country they have many flaws that need to be addressed because they are the one of the few countries that still hunt whales so with this deep sea mining I am not surprised that the Norwegian government has approved it

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