
Nothing is stopping you from GPU Mining now.

Nothing is stopping you from GPU Mining now.

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  1. man is there a good tutorial on how to do mine? i used to mine ETH but we all know thats dead now. I have no idea what to mine but i got a couple of GPUs i can put to work. i just dnt know how to set up the software for the different coins or which coins to choose. I got a 3090 on my main rig. but i also got a 3060ti 1080ti 1660 super 1050 ti rx 480 2070 and a 1070

  2. About your 12 cards rig crashing. I restarted my rigs as well last week, and they were all working stable at the merge. None of my rigs that had more then 8 cards worked and I was forced to buy a new cpu/motherboard to take care of the excess cards. I am still using windows and I think that it might be how it has evolved through time and how it works in the background.

  3. AMD 6700XT are super stable! Just have to find the balance on OCs. For Reference class on KAWPOW, use the following:
    Core: 1300 or 1340
    Core Voltage: 675 or 690
    Memory Controller Voltage: 690
    Memory Clock: 1073
    Memory Voltage: 1300
    PL: 130 (should run at 90w)
    SOC: 800 or 830
    SOC VDD MAX: 930

    If a card consistently shows as dead, increase SOC and SOC VDD MAX.

  4. Except that my electricity costs make it so that I am making $7 a day, but only netting less than $1. I'd rather keep my two rigs off for now and wait until I am netting at least $3 to offset wear and tear and the nuisance factor in the house.

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