
Reported Platte County earthquake caused by mine

Reported Platte County earthquake caused by mine collapse

#Reported #Platte #County #earthquake #caused

“FOX4 News Kansas City”

FOX4 has uncovered new information about a reported Platte County earthquake in mid-March. Turns out, the tremble was caused by a mine collapsing.



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  1. Do these companies purposely have incidents so there are always investigations being conducted and the government (at whatever level) nor the company itself can speak to these issues (maybe until the official final reports are presented publicly)? Maybe ask that higher level question.

  2. Yeah because the federal government definitely doesn't want all mining to go to China. An open pit might drop rocks but they don't cause earthquakes unless blasting. Always blaming mining giving us bad names and sending our business to china

  3. was is it a planned collapse? So many people are just so ready to blame every body and every thing on imaginary issues. Facts first, not some guy blaming his house settling and poor construction on a business that is keeping families afloat.

  4. Unless underground mining was conducted right under the houses in the distant past, the homeowners have nothing to worry about. The county recorder of deeds or a similar office can probably answer that question. Also the title company that you dealt with in buying the home.

  5. Omg! The greed of these mining companies…speed more of your profits on safety. They should have a conscious as well…these homeowners deserve to be secure in their homes…not have the very ground under excavated.

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