
Russia’s Wagner Mercenaries Accused Of Funding War

Russia’s Wagner Mercenaries Accused Of Funding War Through African Gold Mining

#Russias #Wagner #Mercenaries #Accused #Funding #War

“African Diaspora News Channel”

#africandiasporanewschannel #shorts #news



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  1. Russia can not exceed the amount of plundering that the West has and continues to do, and that is what the West is using to fund Ukraine war. WE MUST EXPELL ALL WHITES OUT OF AFRICA!!

  2. Good fighting the enemy is not free I trust Russia for more the European of the west .Russia is the only Caucasians that didnt enslave black people. Matter of fact they fought Rome with Hannibal to defeat the Roman empire the progenitors of slaving😮halleuyah

  3. These outside countries are an enemy to Africa. Non of them can be trusted. All of these so called international organization are controlled by non African countries, and are allowing their friends to continue to rape Africa for it's resources. It's business as usual by these international criminals.

  4. Everybody keep stealing from Africa I knew it. Africa just can't protect themselves. Everybody keep coming over to Africa to steal them blind. When do Africa figure out they can't trust no one at all.

  5. The Wagner group raped African women and murdered African citizens in Central Africa. My African brothers and sisters never trust non-African people always do your research.

    "African people have no friends!!

  6. That's shocking. I wonder if this may have been another factor as to why Putin ordered Prighozins death, because this may hurt African nations trust and relationship with Russia and Putin wants to do something sincerely nice for the continent with no strings attached.

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