
The Giant Gold Mine: The Truth Comes Out

The Giant Gold Mine: The Truth Comes Out

#Giant #Gold #Truth

“TVR Exploring”

I hope that my comments about the mine shaft throughout the video made sense in the end. It was not until the very end of the mine exploration that we realized that there was only one shaft rather than several. It was also at the very end of the mine exploration that we realized that it had been…



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  1. Interesting that the sand pile you entered the shaft from was significantly taller than the pile in the shaft. Must have plugged and then sank a few dozen feet to get caught again further down.

  2. And as far as standing on that shaft…..WOW! Now I don't have the experience to know the answer, but wouldn't that be horrorific if that shaft re-opened with you on top of it?

  3. Yes excellent footage…but at what cost? Honestly, after seeing the nasty area's I would have called it right there! Talk about ballsy, you know damn well it was quite risky continuing on!!!!! But you did. Thanks

  4. Hi Justin, wow that delaminated huge boulder was the scariest I've seen I think. When you were standing in what we now know to be the shaft I was like "Oh boy, you need to shift your asses out of that", mental note don't listen to Graham lol. The mine has so many incredible colours in it, that it looks like an artist's palette.
    A really cool but, and to use your words a very "Sporty" adventure, it was like wet powder down there. Thanks for sharing, much love. xx 🧡

  5. Those numbers on the wall that read something like 4+87.25 are station numbers down a path. The example give is 487.25’ down the path, if you wanted to know.

  6. Hi Justin and Graham, I don't know about this one, that's a mess down there. But I would think if all that ground they removed was holding gold. Then the ground that fell would have hold gold also ? Now you just need to remove it. And with the price of gold now, it would be worth it.

  7. Wow. So glad first of all that nobody was hurt or killed as a result of a plug collapse. Especially since it is one of the deeper mines you've explored with an 1100 shaft. A shorter fall CAN still kill you but a longer fall along with debris would CERTAINLY close the curtain. Still an interesting mine geologically speaking.

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