

The New Best DIAMOND BRANCH MINING METHODS! | Minecraft 1.20 Guide (Tutorial Lets Play)



Diamond Mining! minecraft guide 60 is all about how to find diamonds branch mining and the best y level for branch mining. this episode’s main goal is diamond but along the way we take a look at every other ore as well and talk about some good mining tips and tricks in here too!!

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  1. Still crazy to me every time I see one of your videos in my feed. Almost 2 million subs. Wow. I remember when you used to post videos that wouldnt even hit 1000 views and you would respond to all my comments. You’re the man. Supporting you always. Taught me a lot about the game.

  2. This why they need to add the bundles in 1.21 is literally the last cave and cliffs feature and every time I travel I get packed fast and seeing how all that mining will fill up inventory is what I'm talking about

  3. Since you've already done cranes, perhaps you could make something which looks like a rock ore crusher near your mining chunk. The rock crusher could end with hoppers feeding into chests. You can totally use stone cutters in the build.

  4. the best place to search for coal and emeralds and even iron is on the surface of stoney peaks. It works for frozen peaks too but then you have to remove all the snow. In a single small Stony mountain I've gotten stacks of iron and coal by just scanning the surface. By using a little navigation via chunkbase it is definitely worth going early-mid game expesually if you have a good horse of elytra.

    Oh and wattles im gonna build a mine much the same in my survival world but with a Crain at the top and the bubble column surrounded by spruce trapdoors as the rope. Edit: or should I say wattwes

  5. if you really want to increase your inventory while mining . simply keep a diamond or netherite silk touch pickaxe on you and an enderchest. fill the enderchest with shulker boxes. in 1 shulker box keep your logs and torches and extras you direly need for your survival. level -25 is good for diamonds but only 150 to 200 blocks. now in -40 you will find much more diamonds. if you have multiple strip mines going north south east and west, a trick i found is to keep your coordinates on. check your first number going into each n s e w tunnel. go 50 to 100 blocks in each direction whichever one has the most ores, that is the direction you want to mine the most. don't discount the other directions though if you have very little luck in those directions simply go lower, but watch out for the lava pools. good luck everyone. thank you for this video @wattles . i will share.

  6. I've made several very large builds almost entirely out of deepslate so I know the "trick" to insta mine it well. It's not that it needs to be at the end of your reach, you can do it up close if you know how. But it's that when you break the block you swing into open air and if you hold the mine through that and move onto another block, it will insta mine all blocks after the first. Again only as long as you hold the mining button down and every time you swing into open air after breaking each block. If you break a block and immediately hit another then it'll no longer work

  7. first off, please fix your armor, I'm actually begging. Second things second, I loved Pajama Sam as a kid! It was my favorite game back on the old dell my family had, yk the one with the cow pattern? Good times.

  8. For any hallway up to 3 blocks wide, you can leave a torch every 24 blocks and still have suffecient light to prevent mob spawning. I also make my hallways 3 blocks high. The 12-15 block spacing is for the old light/mob spawning mechanic.

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