
This Bitcoin Miner is THE BEST EVER!

This Bitcoin Miner is THE BEST EVER!

#Bitcoin #Miner


Bitmain produces not only the most Bitcoin miners, but also the most profitable BTC mining rigs, and that is why their new highly efficient air cooled Antminer S21 Pro will become the new best bitcoin miners to buy, whether we like it or not! Buy Bitcoin miners here –




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  1. thinking about buy 2 x T21 miners, live remote so have to use sim router. only have G4 coverage. down load 12Mbp, upload 6Mbps on phone. looking into new sim router with external antenna. will this work or should I buy a slower machine to match G4?

  2. The cables on those S21s worry me. I just see problems there in so many ways. I wonder if someone at Bitmain got fired over that decision yet? The connections actually remind me of the old 12 volt DC Anderson plugs for my old solar setup.

  3. I very interested in how you finance everything for your farm. I'm trying to get started with my own farm and cannot figure out how the heck to buy/finance these kinds of expensive miners let alone the electricity costs. Would love a video explanation.

  4. Hey big fan of your content. I just got into mining after randomly seeing your video. If i have very cheap to almost free electricity, what will be the most suitable miner which has high power consumption, high hash rate but a relatively low initial cost?

  5. I got a stupid question here… i cant understand all this. exempel s21 pro vs ks5 pro …. even my olds ks3 uses the same watt and generates way more money than s21 pro. my ks3 9.4th is a beast….new ks5 pro 21th super beast…. why s21…. i cant get it. am i missing something……

  6. Hey Im confused.. You say you mine around $300 a day but on the asicminer site the S21 only make like $24.. Do you mean you make 300 a day with multiple miners?

  7. So I've been trying to look more into reducing electricity costs and most of the videos I see on youtube from some of the main crypto content creators are all saying $0.10 /kWh. So here in PA it says our rate is $0.09 / kWh but when you factor in the distribution charges anfd other random fees the power company adds on you are actually paying more like $0.19 / kWh. Are all these content creators leaving out the distribution charge or is my electricity rate just really that awful?

  8. Time for the farm… deploy 3 phase solar……prices of the ( green power) is dropping
    .Sorry power companies, time for Vosk, set out on his own..

    .Solar ( drill) baby Solar ( drill) baby.

    Love you Guts! Vos ,
    You are "True American wild cat ER!"
    Mpls Mike

  9. Can you please cover the pros and cons of using Ocean? BTC maxi here, so I like the idea of them filtering out spam and ordinals, I just don't want to die on that hill and miss out on f2 pool profits

  10. For a future vid, could you maybe cover home mining when your only option is an apartment with not a ton of room and not in a cold place where the "it's also a space heater!" thing that some solo miners advertise doesn't matter? I want to start solo/lotto mining but I'm concerned about heat generation even of small miners like the FutureBit Apollo/Apollo 2 or the coming Canaan Nano 3.

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