
Ukrainian soldiers survive after hitting a mine

Ukrainian soldiers survive after hitting a mine

#Ukrainian #soldiers #survive #hitting

“The Telegraph”

Ukrainian soldiers survived after hitting a mine on a vehicle in the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, this month.

#ukraine #war #mine #russia

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  1. нацисти лавров патрушев гіркін путін в трибунал !!!!тридцять років убивають Молдован Чеченців Грузинів а тепер в Україні

  2. Why has EU still not offered fighter planes and modern equipment to Ukraine and why are European politicians so incompetent that production of weapons has still not increased dramatically even though Russia is clearly preparing to attack other European nations too? Germany and France are useless.

  3. I'm a u.s. person, i hope that my nations goods are making the defense of Ukrainian homeland easier….God bless these poor people who are literally fighting for their freedom, even though the freedom that their fighting for is probably only going to really benefit future generations of Ukrainians because current Ukrainians are living through absolute hell, I admire every single one of them and can only hope that if my own nation that I would serve as valiantly as they have. God bless Ukraine for setting a good example of how a nation should respond to such a crisis. God bless zelensky, maybe after the war he'll run for office in my country, because I'd damn sure vote for him!

  4. It's interesting now to see the contrast where the Israel/Palestine war is just this totally unsolvable 100 year old geopolitical/cultural/religious quagmire, while the war in Ukraine is just Russia being like "im bored lets inflict some human suffering."

  5. Let none of us forget how important our respective nations continued support is to these soldiers.

    Contact your government officials and leaders to express your support.

  6. How about people follow Gods law. Boycott these politicians. Then their would be no war since they won’t have anyone fight for their power and money! They don’t give a damn about your soul or family. If they did. They wouldn’t ask these young men to sacrifice their life that God gave to them!

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