
Static WordPress. How WP Code Box helped me go

Static WordPress. How WP Code Box helped me go “serverless”.

#Static #WordPress #Code #Box #helped

“David Waumsley”

Update: I’ve mostly stopped using WordPress. If you are interesting making sites with HTML, CSS and a smidge of JS I’m posting video here: .

Other similar videos will come to this channel…



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  1. David, you've long been my first choice as a resource for when I have been in search of solution to a WordPress/Beaver Builder/other things quandary (I've made many a Google search where I type in the subject of my question and add, hopefully, "Walmsley" to the end of it), mainly because you both figure things out and have a knack for explaining it with clarity.

    So of course I'm quite interested in whatever it is that you're undertaking here, and I can already see that whatever free time I might have had available next weekend is rapidly being spoken for.

    However, my piqued interest is tempered by a slight degree of bafflement. Clearly there are some web trends I've not kept up with. Help me catch up here… Is a static WordPress one without a database?

  2. Stunning progress you've made David. You should be very proud of yourself. His was very inspiring. And also made me laugh out loud a few times with some of the comments and rationale… I'm talking about things like "learning CSS was easier than learning Gutenberg" and the React being a mistake, and JS Devs trying to figure out how to output html Lol. Hearing you joke about these things shows you've moved on from all the Gutenberg trauma and can make light of it all now with it firmly in the rearview mirror. Looking forward to more videos!👏

  3. That is another excellent video, David. I appreciate your effort in creating this video. 🙏🏻

    I don't mind paying you a fee if you were to start a detailed step-by-step course on how you converted an entire WP site to a static site.

    PS: And thanks for introducing WPCodebox. I've been using it daily ever since I got it through your link a few months ago.

  4. Loving this setup.I like how you think about the stack in terms of it being resiliant to unforseen changes. I also like how the entire github setup works and the fact you can end up having free hosting for clients. Moving site edits to you also opens up a wass horizon as well. All this is a real food for taught. Though at the moment manz of my clients really fo update the sites on their own. So will have to think of this. Love the classless (or low class component drive coding approach) too.

    I want more of this.

  5. Thanks David, very interesting stuff – I too have looked at Astro – but I've not found the time to investigate fully yet! One question – how does this affect client editing, and client pushing updates ?

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