
3 Hours Of Fascinating Space Facts To Fall Asleep To

3 Hours Of Fascinating Space Facts To Fall Asleep To

#Hours #Fascinating #Space #Facts #Fall #Asleep

“Naked Science”

Space is a giant playground of wonders, where stars twirl and galaxies shimmer in a dance choreographed by the laws of physics. We uncover the secrets of distant worlds and the very beginnings of everything but beyond all that, space invites us to embark on a journey of discovery, reminding us…



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  1. 57:50 “And We sent down water from the heaven in proper quantity, and we made Earth is dwelling, and We are Able to take it away.”

    Water on Earth came from outer space, particularly from ice in comets and meteors. When those comets enter our atmosphere the heat generated on entry vaporizes this ice into the atmosphere.

    The Christian Bible says that God created water directly on Earth, however, the Quran says that God sent down water from outer space and then made Earth its dwelling:

    And We sent down water from the heaven in proper quantity, and we made Earth is dwelling, and We are Able to take it away.

    [Quran 23.18]

    If God made Earth its dwelling (فَأَسْكَنَّاهُ فِي الْأَرْضِ ) then this means that water formed in outer space. In another verse, the Quran explains how water came down from outer space. The clouds are enslaved between the Earth and the heavens but the water itself came from the heavens above the clouds:

    In the water which Allah sent down from the Heavens and brought with it life to Earth after being dead and gave life in it to every kind of land animal; And in directing the winds; And in the clouds that are enslaved between the Heavens and the Earth; [All these] are Signs for a people who comprehend.

    [Quran 2.164]

    So the water itself came from the heavens above the clouds. Here God is not talking about rain (matar or wadk in Arabic) instead God is talking about water (مَاءٍ).

    In another verse, the Quran says that water originally came from the heavens (above the clouds) in the form of ice. There are mountains in the heaven that have ice inside them; those mountains could fall on Earth making a very bright flash:

    Can’t you see that Allah makes the clouds move gently, then joins them together, then makes them into a pile? Then you see rain come out from within? And He sends down from heaven mountains with ice inside them; that strike whomever He wishes or miss whoever He wishes; Its flash almost blinds you.

    [Quran 24.43]

    God sent down from the heavens (above the clouds) mountains with ice inside them! The clouds are enslaved between the Heavens and the Earth but the water itself originally came from the Heavens (above the clouds) in the form of ice in mountains. They make a flash, this is the description of comets and meteors when they hit our atmosphere.

    Rain hits everyone (no exceptions) however the Quran referred to mountains: “that strike whomever He wishes or miss whoever He wishes”. Of course, the meteor that killed the dinosaurs was the size of a mountain. If we get hit with a meteor the size of a mountain we too will die. It is Gods’ choice that we live or die.

    How could an illiterate man who lived 1400 years ago have known that water originally came from ice in comets?

    More than half your body weight is water. Animals and plants on Earth are mostly water. All life in our universe also needs water. When scientists search for life on exoplanets they only look for planets with water; no water means no life. However Muslims knew about this 1400 years before it was discovered.

    Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the Earth were meshed together then We ripped them apart? And then We made of water everything living? Would they still not believe?

    [Quran 21.30]

    In the Quran, all life, on Earth and in the heaven, depends on water.

  2. 😅one day one atom being alone felt attracted to another. They bonded. Now the biggest molecule in the universe, other atoms were attracted to the molecule. Soon a rock formed. It attracted more and more until the Earth formed. Meanwhile hydrogen and helium bonded until the sun formed and all the planets and stars. And life just happened. No one saw it, it doesnt happen anymore cause uh, uhm, oh, a watched pot doesnt boil. I saw a squirrel mashed flat one the road. When did they start using squirrel to pave roads? Scientists is the silliest people.

  3. Ohh thank you for this!!!! Just what I needed to fall asleep to. Definitely adding this on my watch later list lbvvvs goodnight from Houston 12:00am 5/25/24

  4. More and more I am convinced of the rare earth hypothesis it's not just that we have the moon we have but the angle and speed and mass of the object that impacted us had to be just so when you try to duplicate the process using a simulator like universe sandbox you could try a thousand times I never get it right it's what gave Earth's crust it's why we have tectonics and so many other things it truly is an extraordinary world I just can't see there being more than one of them in our galaxy I would like to see somebody come up with something similar to the Drake equation Earth Moon systems to arise in the Goldilocks zone with the same or similar elemental composition and any other relevant variables because I'm pretty sure they'll find out that world such as ours are far more rare than the Drake equations allowance for intelligent life
    Without our moon we could not have had stable climate long enough for ourselves to even have evolved and if any intelligent species were to evolve on a world without such a moon they would be incredibly terrifying they would be so much better than us in every metric how could they not be having had to adapt to a world that was trying to kill them over and over and over

  5. Please explain why there is scientific evidence of Xenon, Krypton, Thorium and Uranium in a spectra similar to a nuclear devastation!
    Was our instruments on the 1976 Viking lander wrong? What is the explanation for this anomaly?
    Was Mars destroyed in a nuclear holocaust millions of years ago?
    Are we a repeat?

  6. Civilizations rise and fall throughout the universe. Ours is about to fall due to our own shortcomings.
    Some "Aliens" even make it here and watch us for a while, until they gather all the info they want, and leave.
    Life is an infection that started somewhere in the universe billions of years ago, and in time, infected Earth and any planet ready to accept life.
    It's called "Panspermia". life on Earth started as a fungi from outer space. Believe it or not.
    Why do you think all aliens reported are humanoid in shape? Evolution will not stop, until perfection is achieved.
    Edit: Don't be surprised when all life in the universe share over 90% of the same DNA as us.

  7. On a serious note. If the moon comes closer to the earth at certain times what is the force pushing it back out instead of it keep coming towards the earth and crashing into us. Where is the force coming from to push it back away. ???? Could you please explain exactly how because my head can’t understand it.

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